Best remote for Keyboard Free Windows Navigation (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 16, 2006
I am going to install Media Portal onto a WinXP Box to mainly watch movies, play emulators, and possibly a few games. However I know that sometimes I may not always be inside the media portal applciations and simply on my desktop.

Is there a good remote to buy to navigate around the windows desktop (nothing major, possibly to open a game, or a movie) without the need for using a keyboard.

I would prefer Radio Freq. over Infrared, even bluetooth would be ok. What are people saying are the best remotes to buy right now?


Portal Member
June 25, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Peronally I find that my IMON PAD remote does most things without needing a keyboard - plus if you do need a keyboard it has software that brings up a vitual keyboard, that you can use by using the mouse feature that it comes with. The mouse pad thingy on it though is very touchy!

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