Big compliment to MP developers (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 2, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany

on the weekend I tested out one of the latest snapshots and I was totally amazed. To my feeling, MP is now already the most advanced MediaCenter far ahead of Sceneo, Cyberlink or whatever. The SUPER-COOL powerscheduler was the last missing part for me. I was not expecting that it would work so perfectly but it did! I was expecting that (for what ever reason) I would have to run an MP client on my TV-server to profit from powerscheduler but it works even with the tvserver alone. And the process-configuration of powerscheduler is exactly what I would have wished when I used to run Sceneo. It is so intuitive and easy to use. And it works robustly for standby and for hibernate. Really cool.
Also, streaming to my clients works very well now (except that when I unplug the LAN cable inmid of a streaming session, the Client-MP hangs). Channel switching is stable and the EPG and mini EPG has always been the best EPG implementation I have seen.
Knowing the perfect support and the frequency with which the MP developers implement new features and bug fixes, I am VERY sure that MP will become even more perfect in the future. I will definitely redirect the Sceneo-club-signup that cost me 50 Euro per year to the MP donation-box :)


PS: just one thing I wanted to add: what I really like with MP is that it serves various different settings. In Sceneo, for instance, an internet connection is now almost required and so is a signup with a commercial web-epg-provider. In MP you CAN use web EPG but you don't have to (MP's DVB-EPG is perfect!). I don't want to connect my Media Server to the internet and I can still use MP without any problem (without using MPs web-features of course).
Another good thing is that you can control MP with arbitrary input devices. Other media centers are tailored for remote controls only. Mouse- or touchscreen users have problems.

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