Blu-Ray PDVD question (1 Viewer)


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  • December 16, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    I have it working now where it mounts the iso and PDVD starts playing in full screen. When I stop the movie,I'm left with the PDVD screen still active. I can quit PDVD because I've programmed a ALT-F4 button into my Harmony remote.

    Is there a way to auto-quit PDVD and bring MP back to the fore front?

    If I set MP to always on top in the configuration, then when I play PDVD, it's playing behind MP.


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  • February 24, 2008
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    I f you're using the workaround with multishortcut and HD_Starter then I think you need to exit PDVD using the Escape key, If you're using Vista I found it also helped to disable UAC (which is worth doing anyway!) as I had problems also getting back to MP.

    There are two scripts I think one for PDVD7 and one for PDVD8.


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  • December 16, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    I am using PDVD 7. On Vista and have UAC turned off.

    I am not using multishortcut and HD_Starter. Just configured autoplay and daemon tools.

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