so, if you uncheck "use mouse", start MP, goto browsetheweb, and press "L"/toggle subtitles, you don't see a (pretty large) mousecursor? It's movable with the cursor keys (maybe it's off-screen?)
Oh no, that i will test on next day. I use Logitech Dinovo mini, there is a mouse touch pad and there i move around and around but no arrow was there...
Don't know why you're the only one mentioning this problem...
As for a nice discussion:
How about building the plugin on IE instead of firefox? I'm having troubles with newer versions of the gecko-browser, and I think (security-wise) I want to have the most recent core possible.
Not sure though, how much rework this is going to be, and if people are using some special features of the firefox-core, which aren't possible with an IE-core, so I do want your (all of you!) opinion on this