Browse The Web / Webbrowser (4 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    That's quite a development you're asking. Note that I am the only one maintaining this plugin in my limited spare-time, which I have to share with the onlinevideos plugin...


    Portal Member
    November 6, 2012
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    Australia Australia
    That's quite a development you're asking.

    I know, but this would greatly improve the plugin...

    Note that I am the only one maintaining this plugin in my limited spare-time

    Note that this is an open source project, for a reason. See if you can get more help with maintaining the plugin/get some more developers interested it. I'd like to run 'everything' through Mediaportal. I can do Videos, DVDs, Radio, TV, and even Steam. To be able to browse the web through it would be like the icing on the cake!

    If this plugin is too hard to maintain along with online videos, then just see if you can code a little 'wrapper' plugin that will allow the running of Firefox or Internet Explorer through Mediaportal. Talk to the guy who coded up MPSteam, a little plugin that runs Valve Steam in Big Picture Mode. Perfect!


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    In its current state, BrowswTheWeb is unusable for me. Changes to implement, (please!):

    1. Please include an OSD, similar to the rest of MediaPortal when the browser is open, with the Back, Forward, Home, Refresh buttons, etc.
    2. Implement a URL Bar somewhere, either up the top or down the bottom, similar to the Metro Version of Microsoft IE.
    3. Please have right-click (yer mouse button) load up a list of your bookmarks, etc. Right-click does everything else in MediaPortal; here it exits the browser.
    4. Pop out side menu to access bookmarks or config options?
    5. Configuration from WITHIN the plugin, please; I don't want to have to load up MediaPortal Configuration, then go to plugins then go to... then go to...
    6. Importing Firefox bookmarks DOES NOT WORK; in order to import them I have to load them into Internet Explorer and then import those! Additionally, importing the bookmarks just dumps them in in one great big mass list; I'd like it if the folder structure was maintained during import
    7. Use Ctrl + or - to Zoom in/out, like Firefox.
    8. Mouse cursor disappears, please try and fix this...

    In short, please improve this thing's useability before I tear my hair out with frustration.

    With the risk of starting a big discussion, I can comment on some of your issues:

    1: Never missed it myself, in fact, I wouldn't know how to show it in mediaportal :)
    2: There is a statusbar (which you can toggle with the key that you configured in the config), the look and feel of it, is entirely up to the skin you're using
    3 and 4 have more to do with the fact that I'm using the plugin (and the rest of mediaportal too) with my remote (through keyboard commands), and as such, mouse support is somewhat limited.
    for 3:If it is used with a mouse, most (if not all) mouse events are passed through to the browser component, and I didn't saw the need to catch them and act upon it. perhaps right-clicking has a meaning on that site, and I wouldn't want to interfere with that.
    and 4: in mediaportal, the side menu is accessed through cursor-left, or moving your mouse to the left of your screen. When in keyboard mode, cursor left scrolls the page to the left (so unusable for showing side-menu), and in mouse mode, moving your mouse to the left, can also interfere with user experience, if they want to click on a link which is at the left of the page.
    5: That's a lot of work, and need some skinning help with that
    6: Just tested with firefox (current version) and importing DOES work. Folder structure isn't preserved tough, I'll put it on the wishlist
    7: Zooming can be configured in the config
    8: Have patience


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    About that folder-structure:

    I've seen that in browsetheweb only one level of folders is supported, and to preserve bookmarks folderstructure, I need to support multiple levels.
    Is that something that more people would appreciate?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Regarding the folder-structure: I have something for you to test before I publish it.
    Remember to backup your current browsetheweb.dll and the bookmarks.xml (as it's structure is changed. so bookmarks written with the new dll cannot be read by the old one)

    There is an issue with double-clicking a node in the tree when importing from a browser:
    If you double click a checkbox, it seems deselected, but it acts as if it were selected.
    For what I've read, it should only affect Vista, but not 100% sure about that.

    Note: you can deselect a folder, and then select all items below it. Then only those selected items are added, and not the folder itself


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    9. Do it for MP2, please :D
    (PS: Great that you're still maintaining this - KUDOS!).

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