Cable TV Descrambler Software (NOT STEALING!!) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 18, 2007
Just thought I would make it clear that this question is not to be taken as "I am going to steal cable"

I was wondering if there was any software that allows the descrambling of cable?

I have a specific package that includes everything I want but some of the stations happen to be above the typical 125 channel range of most TV Tuner cards. Is there any software to decrypt these channels that I am already paying for so I don't have to rent yet ANOTHER cable box from the provider? I already pay way too much for what I have versus value and they keep taking away more stuff and raising prices. I just want to be able to watch the same channels with my HTPC as I do in other areas of the house.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I already searched google and EVERYTHING I found was over 2-3 years old.


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  • January 4, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hello madmikeee,

    you could either use an Y-Adapter which simply splits the cable so you can use it on more than one receiver or you use the MediaPortal TV-Server to centrally decrypt your cable. You can then use the MediaPortal client on several places in your home (which are connected to your network) to watch TV.



    Portal Pro
    December 2, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    If it's based on smartcards you can use SmartWi. I use it. And as far as i know it's legal.


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