Calling LC11 users for advice (2 Viewers)


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  • September 2, 2004
    Johnny Utah said:
    I have built an LC11 system using the MSI RS480M2-Il motherboard & have been extremely happy with it. Using an Athlon 64 3000+ with the stock heatsink, and with all of the other case fans unplugged, the system is virtually silent, and doesn't seem to have any overheating problems.

    Coupled with a Nova-T pci, and a hauppauge MCE-500, it allows me to record/watch Foxtel (via composite inputs), Digital FTA or analog FTA. The integrated graphics seems to do a pretty good job outputting to an EDTV Plasma (at 800 x 600) but doesn't seem to have a lot of options for tweaking/setting custom resolutions via Powerstrip (i.e no chance of setting 852 x 480 to match the native resolution) :(

    I have been using mine with a Netgear WG111 USB wireless adaptor to allow me to transfer files in/out, and download EPG guide etc.

    The 2 distributors for the Silverstone cases in Australia are Altech and Weston Technology. From discussions I have had with the staff at Weston, they are expecting the risers to be in stock ~ August 15. Price for the card will be $50 ex GST.

    The best thing about the LC11 is that Silverstone have managed to rethink the design of the average case to allow a fully featured system in a unit that is not too muc larger than a standard VCR - all good as far as I'm concerned!

    I just set up the same system only instead of disabling the fans I bought some quiet SilenX fans.

    I finished configuring the remote just the other day (there is a configuration available from the forums here) and setup the my keys plugin. Works like a charm!


    Portal Pro
    August 4, 2005
    I finished configuring the remote just the other day (there is a configuration available from the forums here) and setup the my keys plugin. Works like a charm!

    Hi Devo, I'm really struggling with the remotes can you give me a quick step by step as to what i need to do, and maybe send me your config files?


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 28, 2004
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I got my LC11-M case from Scan Friday, built it on Saturday morning and then spent most of the day trying to get the VFD to work with was faulty.
    Took it back to Scan on Monday and two cases later I finally got one with a working VFD...



    Portal Member
    August 9, 2005
    dman_lfc said:
    I got my LC11-M case from Scan Friday, built it on Saturday morning and then spent most of the day trying to get the VFD to work with was faulty.
    Took it back to Scan on Monday and two cases later I finally got one with a working VFD...


    Great - Got mine from Scan and its sitting waiting for other components to arrive, I hope its gonna work! :shock:

    How did you know it was faulty? Did it just not illuminate at all?


    Portal Pro
    August 4, 2005
    Blimey, that was unlucky.

    Did everything else work ok? which mobo did you use?

    Have you got anywhere with the imon remote, I'm using the hauppage remote with its own ir receiver atm because everytime I start using the imon software I get really frustrated.

    My wish would be to totally get rid of all the imon software and have MP control it all natively.

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