Can anyone help with some plugin graphics? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Hi All,

I am developing an xAP BSC Basic Home Automation plugin to control xAP enabled
BSC devices for MP and would like to include some images that would be common
and allow the plugin to be more "friendly" out of the gate.

I have zero skills with graphics and have been using test images from, clipart CDs, MP, google images, etc.

Basically looking for a few different types of images
- Devices - Images that represent devices (coffee maker, light)
- Categories - Categories/Groups the devices coule belong to (Lighting, Secutity)
- Locations - Locations these devices may be in (Kitchen, Bathroom)
- State - Represent the current state of a device (On, Off, Open, Closed etc)

Examples that I could think of:
Devices - Generic Light, Desk Lamp, Flood Lights, Security System,
Oven, Television, Garage Door, Water Sprinklers, Security Gate

Categories - Appliances, Security, Lighting, Home Entertainment, Grounds Keeping

Locations - Office, Kitchen, Home Theater, Bedroom, Outside, Yard, Garage, Home

State - These are a little more difficult to explain.
They can be generic On/Off/Unknown, Open/Closed/Unknown. 10 images that could represent 10 Dim levels of a light.
These can also be set on a per device basis so you could have Garage Open and Closed to represent the state for example.

I have attached some screen shots to help explain what I am looking at.

First is just looking at all the available devices to control It has a "Device Image" on the left, "State Image" in the Middle with the device name and contols on the right.

Then the Device Categories view. With Category Images.

Then the Devices within a Device Category. Again with the "Device Image" on top and "State Image" in the middle and controls at the bottom.

Then the Location view. With Location Images. (Basically just like the Categoy view)

There is another "Macro Scenes" view which allows many devices to get set to a
predefined state with one action but I am not sure what images people would
want to represent these so...

Also if anyone felt the urge to create better "control buttons" feel free.
Controls are:
On(open), Off(closed), Toggle, Up ,Down,
Check(To enable macro scene items), Run(To run an external file)

Anyway, this turned into quite a longer post than intended so I will stop.

And re-reading maybe I am asking for too much :)

Thanks in advance if anyone can help.

p.s. xAP Links if more info is needed


Portal Member
December 14, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Patrick - Really interested in this and I hope you find some great graphics. These arty bits always take a lot of work. Do keep me/the forum posted on how you are getting on, and if you need any xAP help just shout :)



Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Do a search on "GPL icon" this will give you icon(s) that you may use or edit to your liking. they usally come with *.PNG for any OS, so dont worry about them being for MAC/linx. just unzip and look for the *png files.


Thanks for the links.
I haven't had much luck finding what I am looking for though (Besides Home Icons) :)

Thanks again,


Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Patrick - Really interested in this and I hope you find some great graphics. These arty bits always take a lot of work. Do keep me/the forum posted on how you are getting on, and if you need any xAP help just shout :)


(The basics seem to be working for me in my test environment)

btw, same Kevin as in the xAP yahoo groups?



Portal Member
December 14, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
That's me - and the BSC schema stuff :)

BTW We (well Lehane mainly) are working on a schema very similar to BSC called TSC - see it even rhymes. It will be for the slightly more complex sensor type devices (Telemetry) that have positive and negative values, real world units, ranges, max,mins stats etc. Should be available really soon now.



Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
That's me - and the BSC schema stuff :)

BTW We (well Lehane mainly) are working on a schema very similar to BSC called TSC - see it even rhymes. It will be for the slightly more complex sensor type devices (Telemetry) that have positive and negative values, real world units, ranges, max,mins stats etc. Should be available really soon now.


Sounds great! Should help as temp controls were one thing I felt this plugin was lacking.

btw, just made my first post to the xap_automation group.

Thanks again,

juan pablo

Portal Member
October 11, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Im not the most artistic person but i do have Photoshop skills(ish). If you IM me a list of specific items / images you need ill be happy to have a go at creating some icons for you.

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