Can the new BASS Engine "Gapless Playback" be configured by Album? (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Some albums (particularly live recordings) demand gapless playback to be authentic. But (in my opinion) most albums do not require gapless playback, and sound quite odd when played with no gap between the tracks.

    It seems that with the new BASS music engine, "Gapless Playback" is a global setting that applies to all albums (or to no albums)?

    Is it possible to set "Gapless Playback" on a per album basis? I guess if this were possible, then the setting would have to be stored in the music database or in the music tags?


    MP Donator
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  • March 24, 2005
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    I agree, that option would be great. I have several CD that require gapless playback, but not my entire collection.


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  • September 15, 2004
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    yes it is a Global setting and can't be turned on/off per album.
    However it sounds to be a good feature request to be done in the future.
    i'll put it on my list.




    Portal Pro
    August 13, 2005
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    Afghanistan Afghanistan
    Maybe I don't know what I am talking about, but wouldn't it be better to just have an easy way turn gapless playback on and off in the GUI? For example, with a per album setting, what happens when you have a playlist with files from both gapless and gap albums? And how do you decide if a playlist should be gapless or not, scan all the files for album and check if they are all gapless? And would this setting only be configurable for albums outside of MediaPortal, or would you have to add in a setting to MediaPortal as well? And could you set this for an album in Shares view if you have it organised by album folders, or only in Album view? Would you set it by right clicking on a single song from an album in any view or on the album name in album view, or on an album folder in shares view?

    Maybe you have a simple way to solve all of these issues, but I just get a feeling that a simple way to turn gapless playback on or off from within MediaPortal would be a lot cleaner and easier for people to understand than having hidden meta-data about the files in a database somewhere.

    If I am totally off-base here then please correct me.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    Another simple (and probably a bit crude ... :) ... but I don't claim to be a programmer) way to enable gapless playback would be to include a file like "gapless.txt" as a flag in the album folders to indicate that this album should be played gapless?

    That way, it is a one-time setup (like adding "folder.jpg" to the album folder) and it would not affect individual tracks in that folder that are combined into a playlist. Only when the whole album is played from the folder would the gapless playback be activated, otherwise it would be ignored?


    Portal Pro
    July 16, 2006
    include a file like "gapless.txt" as a flag in the album folders
    It's natural place would seem to be to extend (m3u/other) playlist files to include a 'gapless=on/off' flag. This would override the global setting. Also a key on the remote to turn gapless on/off on the fly would be handy.


    Portal Member
    December 14, 2006
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    The level of support and open-mindedness surrounding this application is amazing. It's what kept me coming back to MP whilst trialing many htpc apps. And why I decided to stick with MP! Thanks to *everyone*. I hope I can offer some useful info to the community sometime soon!

    Regading playback modes (gapless), if this feature is implemented in the GUI, perhaps it could also be possible to include some crossfade control?


    When listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall, gapless is the way to go.

    When listening many studio albums, the pause between tracks ("gapful?" :) is desired.

    When on a shuffled playlist, sometimes a crossfade is cool (crossfading is the only time I've ever heard Miles Davis & David Gilmour playing together)

    So, maybe just a 3-way toggle?

    Normal --> Gapless --> Crossfade --> Normal --> etc

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