Cannot get Kung Fu Panda from ofdb but it is there... (1 Viewer)


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  • May 14, 2008
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    23-Jan-2009 21:02:07 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing set: <set name="index" value="0" /> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:07 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing set: <set name="cover_art[${index}].url" value="${cover_url[0][0]}" /> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18  Info [       MovieImporter]: User reprocessing Kung Fu Panda.ts 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: site = 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: rx_title_clean = \[(TV-Mini-Serie|Kurzfilm)\] 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: rx_title = (.+?)(?:, (The|A|Ein|Das|Die|Der|Les|Une))?\s*$ 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: rx_page = <resultat>.+</resultat> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: rx_imdb_results = <result>.*?<title>(.+?)(\s/\s(.+?))?\((\d{4})\)</title>.*?<imdbid>(.+?)</imdbid>.*?<ofdbid>(.+?)</ofdbid>.*?</result> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: rx_results = <eintrag>.*?<id>(.+?)</id>.*?<titel>(.+?)(\s/\s(.+?))?\((\d{4})\).*?</titel>.*?</eintrag> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: offset = 0 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing if: <if test="${search.imdb_id}!="><retrieve name="search_imdb" url="${site}imdb2ofdb/${search.imdb_id}" /><parse name="imdb_details" input="${search_imdb}" regex="${rx_imdb_results}" /><if test="${imdb_details}!="><replace name="title" input="${imdb_details[0][0]:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><replace name="aka" input="${imdb_details[0][2]:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><parse name="title" input="${title}" regex="${rx_title}" /><parse name="aka" input="${aka}" regex="${rx_title}" /><set name="movie[0].title" value="${title[0][1]} ${title[0][0]}" /><set name="movie[0].alternate_titles" value="|${aka[0][1]} ${aka[0][0]}|" /><set name="movie[0].year" value="${imdb_details[0][3]:htmldecode}" /><set name="movie[0].imdb_id" value="${imdb_details[0][4]}" /><set name="movie[0].details_url" value="${site}movie/${imdb_details[0][5]}" /><set name="movie[0].site_id" value="${imdb_details[0][5]}" /><set name="movie[0].popularity" value="100" /><set name="offset" value="1" /></if></if> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing if: != 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing retrieve: <retrieve name="search_page" url="${site}search/${search.title:safe}" /> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Retrieving URL: 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:18 Debug [         ScraperNode]: UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: CookieHeader:  
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: urn://scraper/header/ =  
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing parse: <parse name="search_results_block" input="${search_page}" regex="${rx_page}" /> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: name: search_results_block ||| pattern: <resultat>.+</resultat> ||| input: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five [Kurzfilm]</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five</titel_orig>
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: search_results_block = <resultat>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five [Kurzfilm]</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five</titel_orig>
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: search_results_block[0] = <resultat>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five [Kurzfilm]</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five</titel_orig>
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: search_results_verified = <resultat>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five [Kurzfilm]</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five</titel_orig>
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: count = 0 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: executing parse: <parse name="movie_details" input="${search_results_verified}" regex="${rx_results}" /> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: name: movie_details ||| pattern: <eintrag>.*?<id>(.+?)</id>.*?<titel>(.+?)(\s/\s(.+?))?\((\d{4})\).*?</titel>.*?</eintrag> ||| input: <resultat>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda</titel_orig>
    <titel>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five [Kurzfilm]</titel>
    <titel_orig>Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five</titel_orig>
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Parse node returned no results... <parse name="movie_details" input="${search_results_verified}" regex="${rx_results}" /> 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Removed variable: search_results_verified 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [         ScraperNode]: Removed variable: count 
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19 Debug [       MovieImporter]: Built MediaSignature: Path= O:\MOVIES\Kung Fu Panda.ts || Source= Kung Fu Panda || Title= "Kung Fu Panda" || Year= 0 || Edition=  || DiscId=  || ImdbId=  ||  
    23-Jan-2009 21:02:19  Info [       MovieImporter]: No exact match for Kung Fu Panda.ts


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Looks like maybe a problem with the regex. Can you attach the full log? And any other relevant info? Version of MediaPortal, Moving Pictures, and the OFDb script you are using? Are you using the NFO scanner?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    It's possible that fixed it. You can try the new version of the script here. If that doesn't work, try reproducing the problem again and post your full log and I will take a look.

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