Cannot get My TV working via TV-server (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 15, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Newbie trying to start TV-Server -> Mediaportal. I did the install, followed the TV-Server setup video but my system simply refuses to work. Meaning I cannot view the TV-server on MediaPortal.

TV server is setup, The DVB-S and DVB-T cards are scanned and working.

TV Servers IP= (which is the IP of the PC, NOTE. I cannot change this IP to any other IP with the box "choose IP for streaming" is this correct?

The streaming server box window is blank.

In MediaPortal if I go to MyTV it takes me to the window TV set-up current setting is DESKTOPPC if I change it to it just stays there at "change/Back"

I know I am doing something silly, but I have followed the guides and am missing something.

I know TV-server was set on DESKTOPPC and I changed it to the but how to change it back again? it the value on my PC when I do IPCONFIG


Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Reboot, then you should be able to change to your new ip

    Or get SQLServer management express, login using sql server, not windows authentication with sa and MediaPortal, go to the MPTVDB, expand and go to server.dbo, right click and select open, you can manually change the name\ip there.

    A 3rd choice is to install the MSLoopback adapter, this is useful if you have a wireless network, or any connection that may fail.


    Portal Member
    May 15, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Ray, Thanks. I did a reboot from cold and the IP address is fixed at type Master. Performing "choose IP for streaming" gives a dropdown window with the Ip, it looks like you get one shot to choose it. I will look at the SQL server management later today.

    When it is setup should the TV-server use the same Ip as its host PC? So far the PC is not networked, it only has internet hookup and IPconfig shows Should the TV-server have it's own IP like

    In the setup video it seems that you only have to set the TV-server and MediaPortal to the same Hostname (in my case DESKTOPPC)


    Portal Member
    May 15, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks I downloaded SQL...Express, and opened as instructed. I see DESKTOPPC\SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server 9.0.4035-sa). I find Server.dbo at Databases\MpTvDb\Tables\Server.dbo Right Click - open. I see idServer=1, isMaster=True, hostName= ( I changed this to DESKTOPPC, and saved.

    Opened TV-Server. I see Tv Servers/DESKTOPPC/1.DVB-S, 2.ATSC etc. Under TV Servers I see Servers/server=DESKTOPPC, type=Master. If I select the item and click "choose IP for streaming I see the dropdown with - I click cancel.

    Question1. Where does this come from? Is it a there because that's the value that I entered the other day? Does it need changing, if so to what (and how).

    Question2. Is there a way to independently prove that the TV-Server is running correctly?

    Question3. If you use an IP adddress this is fixed, if you use a hostname is an IP is assigned via DNS?

    ** I don't remember doing the following when TV-Server was 1st installed. I cannot run SetupTV.exe.config system baulks and asks for a program to be associated.

    TV-Server/config-TV-Server-first-start - MediaPortal Manual Documentation

    Gosh this is an uphill battle. I have spent hours on this, there seems little to adjust and therefore to go wrong!


    MP Donator
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  • August 11, 2008
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    This might not help but everytime I went anywhere near the select an IP for streaming option I had to goto into SQL Server express and reset the entry in the server table back to my server name - so mgith be worth doing that reset and ignoring the option as MP should pick the correct interface to work from for itself.

    You can test with a plugin called something like MyTVClient (not sure exact name), also if you have another machine install the MP client on that and point the TV config to your source machine - my laptop works better for TV use that the media portal machine itself (codecs problems in my case but useful to prove whether everything is working or not).


    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2007
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    never had to set the ip myself just used the machines name, also when you start tvserver config it will tell you if the service is running or not and one test i use is trying to grab the epg data thru the dvb-t, if this works then everything else usually does.


    Portal Member
    May 15, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks everyone. I will start a new thread in the support section with full details. I gather that the TVServer - MediaPortal comm's should be almost automatic. But my system refuses to play. It appears that TV-server is running but Mediaportal doesn't know it.

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Something has not configured correctly on installation, so could well be firewall, even if you have it disabled :confused:

    Check in the firewall settings that both MP and tvservice are allowed through, if not then add them.

    Also have you got any networking disabled, only another thought :)

    Make sure all changes are done using admin account, just to double check, when you open MP config\television\tvclient, the hostname is the same as server.


    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    more likely his "internet adapter" has set its self as the default connection but was waiting for him to post specs etc before going down that route


    Portal Member
    May 15, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks! I have found a solution, not the best one maybe. But see my new post. After trying for 5 days I need a break!

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