1.34 Cannot use MP as source for LS11000 laser projector (1 Viewer)


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  • February 22, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until I switched to my HTPC which is my primary source. When I switch to the HTPC the screen goes blank for a long time and then I have sound, no picture, and in the lower left hand corner:
    "Source: HDMI 1
    Not supported"

    When I select BluRay or XBox everything is normal.

    My video card is a GTX 1050 which is HDMI 2.0b, which supports 2160 at 60hz. My AVR is an Onkyo RZ50.

    My front end is MediaPortal 1.34. I tried turning off Dynamic Refresh Rate and even deleting the 23.9 refresh rate option. The codecs are standard; all LAV for both video and audio. Unfortunately I don't have any logs because I can't see the screen when everything is running.

    Any ideas on where to go next?

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