Cant get source code, please help (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 15, 2006
Hey guys

I have been using both svn.exe and tortoiseSVN to try and download the sources, but the download process keeps halting with these errors:

Error: REPORT request failed on '/svnroot/mediaportal/!svn/vcc/default'

Error: REPORT of '/svnroot/mediaportal/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read response body: Secure connection truncated (

Both these error messages appear in the window that show the files that have been added, i.e.:

Added: C:\mediaportal\trunk\mediaportal\SkinEditor\src\Designers\MpeControlDesigner.resx
Added: C:\mediaportal\trunk\mediaportal\SkinEditor\src\Designers\MaskComponent.cs
Error: REPORT request failed on '/svnroot/mediaportal/!svn/vcc/default'
Error: REPORT of '/svnroot/mediaportal/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read response body: Secure connection truncated (

EDIT: Just to add, this problem happens at random intervals, somtimes it has only added a few files when the error pops up and other times it runs for quite some time before the error pops up.

Does anyone have a solution for this? I have tried google and searching on these forums for an answer but came up short. If you can help it would be appreciated, I have so many ideas of features I want to try add to mediaportal via plugins, but dont know how to get the source :cry:

Any help would be appreciated :cry:


P.S. Media portal ROCKS. I was trying MCE, but it sucks, MP is way more flexable/configurable :)


Portal Member
April 15, 2006
mmmm... was thinking about it, I dont suppose that there is a direct link the the source files anywhere, Im sure I will be able to download them, instead of using one of the svn apps??

Please help if you can :(


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 25, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Hi Craig,

    When you get an error did you try to go to your mp-source folder, right-click mouse and then choose "SVN Update" (i'm using TortoiseSVN). Here it then will resume after i get some weird error.



    Portal Member
    April 15, 2006
    Hey zipperzip

    I was doing that everytime it halts. But, fortunatly I have found a solution, I was using internet connection sharing and it looks like that was causing the errors somehow. I installed tortoiseSVN on the pc that connects to the internet and started from cratch and now it looks like the errors are gone.

    Can you possibly tell me the full size of the source code? I am on 56k and really would like a rough estamate of how big the files are.

    Thanks again



    Portal Member
    April 15, 2006
    Thanks for the help guys :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I finally got the source code downloaded and have ran through the plugin tutorial :)

    I'll look around the development forums for some help to get my first plugin started :)

    Thanks again


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    This is infuriating, it must have taken me 10 tries to get the source. I'm not even sure I have all of it :(



    New Member
    April 18, 2006
    At least you've helped others with this thread

    Thanks for the help. At least I don't feel crazy when I ran up on the problem...


    Portal Member
    March 27, 2006
    The North
    diehard2 said:
    This is infuriating, it must have taken me 10 tries to get the source. I'm not even sure I have all of it :(


    I had the same problem on my slowish laptop over a 54Mb WiFi connection - it bailed out with that same error message; strangely enough it works on my desktop over a 100Mb wired connection. Don't know what made it work, I can only think it's a latency thing.


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