Can't tune channel after renaming it (1 Viewer)

Das Hammer

Portal Pro
June 14, 2007
Das Hoosier State
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
This is an odd problem I've run into with just one channel (that I know of so far).

I scanned in the HD PBS channel on AMC3 @ 87W. There are three channels in the mux, they are named "3", "4", and "B". That's just how they come in. I can watch all of those channels with no issues. Upon changing the name of channel "3" to "PBS HD", it will no longer work. If selected from the guide, about 10 seconds pass by and then it goes back to playing a previously tuned channel.

Also, I've renamed plenty of other channels and they were all ok. Of course, they were all on C band and the PBS HD is my only Ku channel (at the moment).

I can live with it, but I didn't find any other posts about this. Has anyone else seen this? :confused:

I'm using the 8-23-07 svn and tv3.


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  • January 4, 2007
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    Actually there have been quite some posts like this in the past few weeks. The problem is that the channels are "mapped" in several database-tables that refer to each other so if you change the name it isn't automatically changed in all tables. I think I remember that one of the devs recently has changed something to allow renaming so give the search function a try.


    Das Hammer

    Portal Pro
    June 14, 2007
    Das Hoosier State
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    United States of America United States of America
    Ok, I did search for "rename and channels" prior, but I'll try again.

    I remember within the last week that if I changed the channel name in the TV Server Management console that it would not change the name in the database and the old name would be displayed in the guide, but that has been fixed. The issue I'm speaking of now is different.


    MP Donator
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  • January 4, 2007
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    Just take a look at the database table structure. I think it is easy to figure in which of the tables a channel is stored. Just change all of them and ensure to keep the references between the tables linked. This should do the trick. Be sure to stop the TV-Server before.

    Some of the topics I was talking about earlier:



    Das Hammer

    Portal Pro
    June 14, 2007
    Das Hoosier State
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Yes, I'm familiar with the tables in the database. I also noticed that the modulation was set differently for some channels in the tuning parameters table (should be -1 and I think it was set to 20). OK, so this is all related to the database. I'll just have to tinker around in there some. At least I know I'm looking in the correct place now.

    Thanks for your comments.

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