Cant watch coded channels (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 13, 2009
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
TV-Server Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Version: §.0
MediaPortal Skin: Xface 1,7
Windows Version: xp
CPU Type: Dual 1,86
Memory: 1gig
Video Card:
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card:
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: Twinhan Mantis
1. TV Card Type:
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card:
2. TV Card Type:
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
MPEG2 Audio Codec:
h.264 Video Codec:
Satelite/CableTV Provider:
HTPC Case:
Power Supply:
TV - HTPC Connection:

After done a channel search and all channels found. I cant watch the coded channels, i have enabled the cam.

Here is the log hope to get some help here cant find what the problem is.

In TV-config under tv-channels and preview i get this note after some seconds " Preview failed : Unabletostartgraph"

Här är loggen
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: card: tuned user: mediapc subchannel: 0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: user:mediapc add
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: card2:mediapc 1 0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: Controller: mediapc 1 0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: control2:mediapc 1 0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: Controller: delete timeshift files C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live1-0.ts
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: card: StartTimeShifting 1 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live1-0.ts
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: card: CAM enabled : True
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: start subch:0 No PMT received. Timeshifting failed
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: card: remove user:mediapc sub:0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: user:mediapc remove
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: card: free subchannel sub:0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel:1 #0 keep graph=False
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: DVB subch:0 Decompose()
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 0
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-02-17 17:13:46.031250 [12]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: card: Tune 1 to TV6
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: card: user: epg:1:-1 tune DVBT:tv:Viasat Broadcasting UK TV6 Freq:738000 ONID:8945 TSID:1022 SID:1070 PMT:0x42E FTA:True LCN:6 BandWidth:8
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: Tune:DVBT:tv:Viasat Broadcasting UK TV6 Freq:738000 ONID:8945 TSID:1022 SID:1070 PMT:0x42E FTA:True LCN:6 BandWidth:8
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Assigning oldChannel
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Current channel is null
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Graph is tunning
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Getting default locator
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Putting bandwidth 8
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: put_ONID 8945
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: put_SID 1070
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: put_TSID 1022
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Carrier frequency 738000
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: put_Locator
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: SubId -1, channel DVBT:tv:Viasat Broadcasting UK TV6 Freq:738000 ONID:8945 TSID:1022 SID:1070 PMT:0x42E FTA:True LCN:6 BandWidth:8
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: System.__ComObject
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvb:confused:ubmiting tunerequest Channel:TV6 subChannel:-1
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvb:Getting new subchannel
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvb:GetNewSubChannel:0 #0
2009-02-17 17:13:47.093750 [16]: dvb:confused:ubmit tunerequest size:1 new:0
2009-02-17 17:13:47.109375 [16]: subch:0 OnBeforeTune
2009-02-17 17:13:47.109375 [16]: dvb:confused:ubmit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
2009-02-17 17:13:48.125000 [16]: dvb:confused:ubmit tunerequest done calling put_TuneRequest
2009-02-17 17:13:48.125000 [16]: subch:0 OnAfterTune
2009-02-17 17:13:48.125000 [16]: dvbt: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
2009-02-17 17:13:48.125000 [16]: dvbt: tune: SubChannel 0
2009-02-17 17:13:48.140625 [16]: dvb: LockedInOnSignal ok
2009-02-17 17:13:48.140625 [16]: subch:0 OnGraphStart
2009-02-17 17:13:48.140625 [16]: subch:0 SetupPmtGrabber:pid 42E sid:42E
2009-02-17 17:13:48.140625 [16]: subch:0 set pmt grabber pmt:42E sid:42E
2009-02-17 17:13:48.140625 [16]: WaitForPMT: Waiting for PMT.
2009-02-17 17:13:48.203125 [14]: subch:0 OnPMTReceived() True
2009-02-17 17:13:48.203125 [16]: WaitForPMT: Found PMT after 0,0625 seconds.
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: subch:0 SendPmt:42E 42E FFFFFFFF D
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: Decode pmt
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: Set descriptor data with length 7
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: subch:0 SendPMT version:13 len:65 1070
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: Decode pmt
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: Set descriptor data with length 7
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: Twinhan: Send PMT, len: 16
2009-02-17 17:13:48.218750 [16]: capmt:3 4 2E DB 0 0 2 E4 37 0 0 3 E4 36 0 0
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: Twinhan: CAM returned ok 0x0
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: subch:0 cam flags:True
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: subch:0 SetMpegPidMapping
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: subch:0 pid:437 pcr
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: subch:0 pid:42E pmt
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: subch:0 pid:437 video type:MPEG-2
2009-02-17 17:13:49.718750 [16]: subch:0 map pid:437 video type:MPEG-2
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: subch:0 pid:436 audio lang: type:MPEG-1
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: subch:0 map pid:436 audio lang: type:MPEG-1
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: subch:0 pid:434 teletext type:6
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: subch:0 map pid:434 teletext type:6
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: subch:0 stop tif
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: WaitForPMT: sending PMT to CAM took 1,53125 seconds.
2009-02-17 17:13:49.734375 [16]: dvbt: tune: Graph running. Returning TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
2009-02-17 17:13:49.765625 [16]: card: Tuner locked: True
2009-02-17 17:13:49.765625 [16]: **************************************************
2009-02-17 17:13:49.765625 [16]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 92, SIGNAL QUALITY: 98 *****
2009-02-17 17:13:49.765625 [16]: **************************************************


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