I still cannot directly tune with the latest svn. Do I have to delete all channels and rescan to make this work with the new SVN? All I did was edit my existing channels with SID via new SVN feature and unchecked the box "Select Channel by Index" and increase the max channel length to 4.
audball - you'll need to run a sql query to update the column "channel number" in tunerdetail. This is the column used to sort, and to switch channels.
The other thing to note on the fix, is that it can only be used in the guide. When used there, you'll see feedback in the replaced first time slot column header. (not mini guide)
So I've made my own query program to update the database, but I can't get direct tune channel changing working.
Lingo -> table.column
I add the tuningdetail.serviceId (with leading 0 if less than 100) to the front of tuningdetail.name
I make channel.name = tuningdetail.name
I make channel.displayName = tuningdetail.name
I make channel.channelNumber = tuningdetail.serviceId
I don't use the "Show channel numbers" option since I'm already renaming channel.displayName (I do this manually, not in TV3 because I want leading 0's)
If I select "Select channel by index" then I notice it uses the channel.sortOrder value
If I uncheck "Select channel by index" tuning makes no sense at all.
I'm about to just make channel.sortOrder = tuningdetail.serviceId and check "Select channel by index" but I think that's a complete band-aid.
you could pull your hair out with sorting, but here is the key - it's done by group. When MP loads up for the first time without groups, it will create one by default, called All Channels. Delete this, and MP will take it's best guess at the default sort on restart and recreate the group All Channels. In the latest SVN, you can now sort in the group by channel - thanks again WZ!
Not to hijcak the thread, but you asked about leading 0's in your channels. Don't change the SID, becuase that used for tuning, your only free to change dbo.channel.channel.name and channel number I like using the channel number patch from WZ, so I don't perfer numbers in my channel names, but I have channel names like so:
Turner Classic
FOX Movies
BBC America
TBS Superstation
ESPN Alt 2
Fox Soccer
My method gives the option to add leading 0's or really what ever you want. It's a hack, but works well for me. If you like the channel names as above without manualy entering them, follow along.
Check out http://www.sharpc.com they have a program called channel master. Download your sats, change the names how ever you want, then export to My Theater. This creates a MS Access database. The database contains a SID and a real nice channel name in the format of your choice. I have created another database, that uses odbc links to connect to the TVServer database, and the freshly exported My Theater Access Database. I run a query based on SID updating channel name. There is always fresh data on their site, so when channels change, it easy to replicate once you have it set up. I've posted my master db @ http://www.rockervision.net/icepick/master.zip
all you'll need to do is re-make the links to the outside the databases, and run the query "qSatName" Clear as mud? perhaps someone likes this enough to create a MSSQL query.....
If I tick 'select channel by index' then I cannot cope with gaps in the channel sequence. Why would I want gaps? To be in sync with my STB, which is bound by the channellist supplied by my provider.
If I untick 'select channel by index' then I would need to know the channelnumbers or service-id, not very convenient.
Why not create an option to tune the way we Europeans are used to tune: by program number.
In the old days, we had to manually assign a channel number or frequency to a program number on our TV-sets.
For such a feature, we need to add a 'selectionID' in the ChannelGroup table.