Changing Chanels in TVEngine3 (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 27, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I am running into a weird scenario, When I first open Mediaportal ie after a reboot etc and I am on one chanel watch tv and I say click the up button a few too show another chanel and click the ok button or the mouse. It actually doesnt go to that channel it plays the buffered Ts file that it saved for the same channel I was watching, When its done playing that it then goes to the actual channel. This works both when I hit the up down arrows keys or I go to the TV guide and then choose a chanel that way. Any thoughts?


Portal Pro
August 21, 2006
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Sweden Sweden
This sounds like an "old" problem that doesn't exists in the newer SVNs and the new TSReader.
Install the latest SVN of both TVE3 and MP and try it out - it works better and better...


Portal Pro
December 9, 2006
Home Country
are you using a late version? I did have this happen all the time but not anymore. if you press skip forward (right arrow) you can probably skip to the end, it is a real pain when you have a 1/2 hour or more time-shift buffer to skip through or change channels several times and loose track of where you are. I hope that problem isn't back again.


Portal Member
July 27, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Thanks, I got this working. It actually looks like it was a bit of a corrupted EPG database. I actually have this thing running pretty smooth. Ironically What I did was install the new KLite Mega Codec pack Beta. I then Installed the Client MP software SVN and Plugin, Then Downloaded the Beta Version of Dscaler 5 and Installed it over the top. And ergistered the TSReader, And then went into the directshow filtermanager of Klite Tools (note you can get this anywhere) and Set the Merit to Preferred for the Dcaler Video and Audio Renderes, ITs actually almost instantenous when I change channels.

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