Can someone offer a model number for the cheapest ATI Radeon card that offers DX9 support? I currently have a Radeon 9000 with 128 megs of ram, but there seem to be issues. When I try to fast forward/rewind, the picture freezes for about 5 seconds before video resumes. Also, when video is playing, my remote acts very sluggish.
I am looking to spend under $50 shipped if that is possible. I am also tied to ATI as the GeForce card I have from another machine (5200) and another I tried doesn't output in color to the old television set I have (I know, but I don't want to replace it yet).
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I think this is the last piece of the puzzle before I can fully enjoy MP.
I am looking to spend under $50 shipped if that is possible. I am also tied to ATI as the GeForce card I have from another machine (5200) and another I tried doesn't output in color to the old television set I have (I know, but I don't want to replace it yet).
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I think this is the last piece of the puzzle before I can fully enjoy MP.