Compliments and Questions (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 5, 2007
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Hey guys,

Firstly awesome job on media portal, its an amazing program and it was exactly what i was looking for!!! The fact that its free is even better :D

Ok just a few questions:

1. When i listen to music, stop the music, then go to tv it freezes and i have to quit and reopen media portal. Any idea why?

2. Sometimes channel 7 HD (australian channel) loses its sound when i swap to another channel then back (any aussies having this problem?)

3. I have 2 dvd drives in my computer. I was wondering if there was a way from within media portal to pick which dvd drive plays. When i select play dvd from the menu it doesnt give me the option to pick which drive.

Ok thats it for now,

Congrats once again on such a nice program!

-Timmy :D


Portal Pro
May 22, 2006
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
1. When i listen to music, stop the music, then go to tv it freezes and i have to quit and reopen media portal. Any idea why?
without seeing system specs and the logs files, it's almost impossible to even make a guess.

3. I have 2 dvd drives in my computer. I was wondering if there was a way from within media portal to pick which dvd drive plays. When i select play dvd from the menu it doesnt
do both DVD drives have a disc in them at the same time ?
does MP always choose the same drive ?


New Member
February 5, 2007
Home Country
1. When i listen to music, stop the music, then go to tv it freezes and i have to quit and reopen media portal. Any idea why?
without seeing system specs and the logs files, it's almost impossible to even make a guess.

3. I have 2 dvd drives in my computer. I was wondering if there was a way from within media portal to pick which dvd drive plays. When i select play dvd from the menu it doesnt
do both DVD drives have a disc in them at the same time ?
does MP always choose the same drive ?

1. i have brand new computer, and media player doesnt crash, it just freezes, pressing alt+f4 quits it wiht out bringing up the porgram not responding window.

3. yes both drives have a dvd in them. i assume the same drive gets picked each time


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  • December 18, 2006
    Skellefteå, Sweden
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    Sweden Sweden
    For question 3: This should be fixed in the SVN releases from around january 26th. If you are already using such a release, see previous post...

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