Component video makes me blue. (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 28, 2007

Long time reader, first time poster.

I just finished building my HTPC. I'm using an ASUS M2NPV-VM motherboard with a built-in GeForce 6150 video adapter that has VGA, HDMI, component, S-Video and composite out. I'm using MP and Windows XP SP2. GeForce driver version is (it's the most recent version).

I'm currently using the component out to run into my Philips 4:3 CRT TV. When the computer boots, everything looks normal... the BIOS screen is in proper colors, the "loading Windows" screen is in proper colors, but when the boot process reaches the Windows desktop, the display is very, very blue. The image is sharp, it's just... blue.

I've tried changing any display settings I can find. Screen resolutions and refresh rates do nothing (I even tried oddball resolutions like 720x480 just to make sure). I installed Powerstrip and monkied with anything I could find, and it didn't do anything.

Then, I switched to 800x600 16 color, and the colors looked proper (as proper as they can look with only 16... not blue, anyway). 640x480, 16 looks fine too. So, basically, any resolution at a greater color depth than 4-bit looks completely blue, but 4-bit seems to work. Obviously, I can't use this, but it proves at least that the cables are good and that nothing is cooked.

Now, I ask you -- does anyone have any ideas here?

Thanks eternally to anyone who can fix this.



Portal Member
December 13, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
Hey Stainless,

I have a similar setup using the same motherboard.

I too was having the same issues you explain with blue colors using the component cables. I eventually gave up and went to s-video and all was well.

Just recently things were working all to well on the HTPC so I decided to revisit the component cable issue. Fortunately the newest nvidia drivers
ForceWare Release 90 Version: 93.71 seem to do the trick. I'm not sure what drivers you are using, are they from ASUS?

Now that I have my system running on the component cables I may switch back as the overscan is horrid, and as far as I know there is no way to adjust that unless you are using either s-video or composite cables.

Also one more note: I had to have my svideo cable plugged into the video out bracket at the same time as the component or the system would not find the component cables as an option. Found that out by being lazy and not unplugging the svideo ;)



Portal Member
December 13, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
Thanks Lizard

I installed Powerstip and played with it a bit. I think I will have to do some research as to what timings my Sony 36 CRT will accept.

I tried changing the overscan using the resize buttons but it did not seem to have any effect.

Thanks for the tip.


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