Confused about combining ? help please (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 14, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I am using RC2 no svn's
I have a floppydtv-s2 with cam and UK sky sub , I also have a pinnacle 7010i with one feed from my sky dish and one from dvb-t.
With this setup I can get Sky (paid chans) , freesat and freeview (2 tuners)
This obviously means I can have up to 4 of the same channel i.e. BBC1 on sky , freesat and on both dvb-t tuners.
I only want one of these showing in the guide , but obviously if sky tuner is busy recording and so is another tuner I may still want to record bbc1 via dvb-t.
Ideally I would like the floppydtv as 1st priority for programmes only available via my sub , but would like to use other tuners for fta programmes and the floppydtv only if these are all busy.
I would like only one set of channels in the guide , but combined on different cards with different priorites , however I am finding it difficult to get any good info on combining function. For instance if I hit combine on a channel it will show me a match but there is no way to find out which tuner this match is on :( , unless I'm missing something.
Does anyone have a similar setup or could offer me some pointers ??
Also is there any support for recording the timeshift buffer ? i.e. halfway through a program decide I want to keep it and press record , but record from start of program in the buffer ?



Portal Pro
October 17, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I have a similar setup and this is no problem.

I have Sky Sub x 2, Freesat, FTA Sat and DVB-T

First the card order is handled under TV Server-><Servername> in my case are have the Freesat, FTA Say, Sky STBs and DVB-T - this gives me the sources with best quality 1st going to the worst (very bad TV signal here)

You will need to ensure the rights channels are mapped, this should be automatic with your setup.

What combines with what is unimportant (card priorty determins priorty) - I combine by selecting my Sky STB card in combinations (this has the full channel set) - select each channel on the right, match it to channel(s) on the left and hit combine.

When done you will have a single set of channels under 'TV Channels' which are then associated with guide data of your choice.

Timeshift buffer question....currently no (as much as I would love that feature).


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