Continuous play through list possible? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 28, 2009
Here's a few quick questions hopefully someone can help me with...

How can I get OnlineVideos to keep playing on to the next item in the list when I go to a site? It would be nice to pull up the top 100 Yahoo Music Videos for example and then have them play one after another.


- noticed that when I type in my PIN my age verified channels don't seem to show up in my list, am I doing something wrong?
- What does the favorites option do? When I click it nothing seems to happen.
- How do I get to my bookmarks? I have used bookmarking for a few videos but cant find my bookmark list?

Sorry if these are obvious questions but they seem to be evading my tiny brain.



Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Some things up front: If you have issues
    a) fill out your system specs so I know what skin you are using
    b) try Blue3Wide and see if any question are answered
    c) post logs

    Now to your questions:

    Playlists aren't supported yet, but you can open the context menu on a video (in your case Yahoo) and click PlayAll, which will play all videos currently shown one by one.

    The "Favorites" in the menu is without function and should be removed from the skin - starting with version 0.25, it was unclear at that position, and the functionality has been moved inside the site (e.g. on the bottom of Youtube you'll find a new category Favorites - if you have set a username in configuration).

    OnlineVideos manages it's own Favorites in a special site (last in the list on the first page). You can add any video of any site to that if you bring up the context menu on a video and select "Add to Favorites".

    For the pin I need logs, it should work (does here).


    Portal Pro
    March 28, 2009
    Ok thanks for your patience and your reply. I will play around more and see if I can get the hang of it a bit better.

    This really is a fantastic plugin, it's taken my media center to a whole new level.

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