Controlling External Sky STB (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 1, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
I have recently set up my first HTPC running MP using a Hauppauge PVR-150-MCE and a Microsoft Media Centre (v2) remote control. All my TV comes via a Sky (New Zealand) digital settop box connected to the composite in port on the PVR-150 ie. I am not using the TV tuner at all.

I have set MP up to use the MCE remote (in Settings) and it all works fine, except that I currently have to use the Sky remote control to access the Sky on-screen guide and to change channels. Obviously I would rather be able to do everything via the MCE remote, but I need some guidance as to exactly what problem I need to solve.

What I want to be able to do is when I am in fullscreen TV mode, have MP respond to all channel up/down, number keys, arrow keys etc commands from the MCE remote by re-sending the corresponding IR command out via the IR Blasters supplied with the MCE Remote receiver ie. emulate the STB remote control. This will allow me to control the STB as if I was using its own remote. I also want to be able to set MP up so it can change channels on the STB itself (by sending these same commands) so I can schedule recordings and have it change the channel properly.

In MP Setup, I understand I can define channels as 'External' (to indciate they come from the Sky STB) and I can enter an external channel number. However, what I cannot find is anywhere where I define what IR commands MP needs to send (via the IR Blasters) to the STB. Seems to me that unless I define these somewhere, there is no possible way MP can know how to change channels properly surely?

A surf on the forum turns up some leads:
- discusses how its done when using the Hauppage remote but requires the use of the "Hauppauge myblaster configuration tool" to define the correct settings for my STB. I am using the MCE remote so I dont think this is for me?

- closer, as it refers to the MCE remote. However, it states that I should use MyBlaster to teach MP what to do. Now, as far as I can tell "MyBlaster" is an IR transmitter device ( ). However, my MCE remote receiver came with IR blaster out ports and 2 actual blasters, so I dont think I need a MyBlaster?

- So, it seems that I just need to somehow configure MP so it can firstly access the MCE IR Blaster, and then teach it the correct series of IR commands to send. one method of doing this by capturing IR commands from my STB remote and then being able to play them back e.g. via a .bat file. However, what I am missing is how to actually play such .bat files in MP, in response to pushing buttons on the MCE remote? I am thinking that I should just be able to tinker with the MCE remote key mappings to run the .bat files BUT:
1. From memory (I am at work so cant check) I dont think there is currently any way in MP Setup to link keypresses to external .bat files is there? ( I might be wrong on this)
2. According to the MP Wiki Doco on remote controls (and I dont have the direct link sorry) I cannot remap the number keys, clear, enter (and some others) as they are "currently handled by the OS". I am not sure I understand this limitation. I am imagining that it would be a simple matter of the MyTV module (when in fullscreen mode) responding to simple keyboard events (eg. pressing the 1 key etc) much like any other application, so is this actually still a limitation or have I misunderstood things?

Anyway, before I write a novel I will stop! Does anybody have any advice/links/suggestions here please? I am really keen to get this sorted as it will make the HTPC do everything I (and more importantly my wife...!) needs.. It would also seem that I am not the only guy trying to work this out so would be good to write the definitive guide on using STBs with MP so everyone can benefit.

Thanks heaps in advance
Christchurch, New Zealand


Portal Member
October 11, 2005
I am also very interested to know if this can be done (specifically, with a NZ Sky Digital STB). I don't currently have Sky, but if I get it in the future it would be nice to know MP will play nicely with it...

waveslam said:
Now, as far as I can tell "MyBlaster" is an IR transmitter device

As far as I am aware "MyBlaster" is a MP plugin that was originally written by Smirnuff, and (I think) has been worked on by scoop. I found a download here, but I don't know if this is the most current, or even a working version.

waveslam said:
Does anybody have any advice/links/suggestions here please?

I think your best bet for a start would be to search through all the threads on the MyBlaster plugin. As far as I can tell there is no help or install file, and the threads are a bit of a mess.

Search the forums for myblaster + stb, and you will see all the threads I am talking about. I can only suggest looking through these and trying the various suggestions.

PLEASE, if you get something working, or make any progress, report back to this thread, as it would be really great to have a set of working instructions for a NZ Sky STB with the MS MCE remote.

I'm not sure what model(s) Sky uses here in NZ, if you post your decoder make and model, maybe someone else has had success with something similar and could contribute?

All the best, I will be interested to see how you get on :)

Edit: If you have a Zenith DTH310-4 STB, someone provided the myblaster.dat file in this thread


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  • November 14, 2004

    Get the latest compiled version of MyBlaster from here: [EDIT]: link removed; download from the plugin repository on the homepage now.

    BTW, I'm not changing or improving anything codewise, other than trying to add undetected devices and keeping it compatible with current versions of MP. Just to avoid loosing functionality with regard to MP. It would be nice if someone else - i.e. someone who's actually using the plugin because I do not - could sum up all there is to know about this plugin in the wiki.

    Kind regards,


    Portal Member
    August 1, 2006
    Christchurch, New Zealand
    Using MyBlaster to control external STB

    Hi Michael,
    Cheers for the reply and for the link to MyBlaster. I just have a couple of other questions if you have a minute:
    1. Is my understanding of how things should work correct ie . is what I want to do re emulating the STBs original remote going to even be possible/plausible?
    2. I see that the source for MyBlaster is also on the same site as the compiled version. Are you OK if I grab that and use it to help me understand how MyBlaster works, with a view to getting it working and then documenting it as you describe?
    3. If so, whats the situation in regard to extending MyBlaster ie. if I want to extend it or modify it, are you interested in keeping control of the master copy of the source etc or can I just go for it with my own version?
    Thanks again - much appreciated :)


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  • July 30, 2006
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    Hi, I'am folowing this thread too since I'am also thinking in improving thsi plug-in.

    But since the TV Engine is changing and the new TV engine will propably work differently than this one in terms of external tunning, I don't know if it's not better first to wait Frodo release something (and his toughts about exteernal STBs) so we can work on something that can be used in the new engine as well.

    I've being lookking at the source code of the new TV engine, but I currently don't know if Frodo has a view of ho to do it...


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