Covers in PlyingNow - Screen (1 Viewer)


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  • January 30, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Hello Community!

    Where can i change the displayed Coverart in the PlayinNow-Screen? I don't like, that Mp shows me all the covers of the artist. I only want to see the cover of the album!

    -> :)

    -> :(

    Best Regards


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    Normaly MP changes between album art, visualtisation, artist art, etc.

    There is an option in the mp configuration in music -> music database
    "Use existing album art to:" ... (checkbox) create artist preview thumbs

    I guess this checkbox is set in your configuration. I have it unchecked and never seen this sort of thumbs on my htpc.
    Maybe you need to rescan your whole collection. Maybe you have to delete the already created thumbs in the thumbs/artists folder manually.

    I don´t know why this feature is in there. Personally I don´t see the need, I do want the artist thumbs but not these tile thumbs. But someone must have had a reason to put this option there.

    But maybe these hints help you to get rid of them ;)



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    There is an option in the mp configuration in music -> music database
    "Use existing album art to:" ... (checkbox) create artist preview thumbs

    I guess this checkbox is set in your configuration.
    Maybe you have to delete the already created thumbs in the thumbs/artists folder manually.
    That's correct and surely enabled for Helios61 ;)

    I don´t know why this feature is in there. Personally I don´t see the need, I do want the artist thumbs but not these tile thumbs. But someone must have had a reason to put this option there.

    The reason was simple - not everyone wants to either use the artist art cover grabber from audioscrobbler plugin or spend a huge amount of time to search those images manually.
    However having at least that preview kind of artists image is more useful than no image. This is related to the fact that our mind is far quicker recognising images (and you'll definately connect a known album cover to an artist) than reading text.

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