This is very easy to re-produce on a system where the TV is connected to the PC via HDMI. Start playing Live TV and turn your TV off. MP will crash every single time without fail. I do not have videos configured in my MP install but I do have moving pictures set up so I tested the internal player with that. MP does not crash while playing a video, but it hangs indefinitely and I had to stop the task to get out of MP.
This is not the first time I've seen a very similar issue. It goes all the way back to MP 1.0. Tourettes fixed it for me back then by creating a new core.dll which stopped playback in the event that the HDMI signal was lost.
The logs titled with the suffix of DEBUG MODE were created with no plugins installed and should show where mp crashed when I switched inputs. The logs titled with SKIN MODE as a suffix is what happens when playing a video.
This is not the first time I've seen a very similar issue. It goes all the way back to MP 1.0. Tourettes fixed it for me back then by creating a new core.dll which stopped playback in the event that the HDMI signal was lost.
The logs titled with the suffix of DEBUG MODE were created with no plugins installed and should show where mp crashed when I switched inputs. The logs titled with SKIN MODE as a suffix is what happens when playing a video.