Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Remote (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 7, 2006
Right, I'm new to this so I apologise if this has been covered, but does anyone know how I can get my Creative remote control to control media portal. the IR receiver is part of the sound card so it doesn’t behave like a normal IR receiver. All the drivers are handled by the sound card's drivers


New Member
April 7, 2006
Right Thanks for the replies I'm Just dowloading MediaTexx and hopfully this will work! I'll keep you posted


New Member
April 7, 2006
Ok, I have installed the program and it is picking up on the remote keypresses but it doet seem to be doing any more than the standard creative software, ie it wil contol media player and creative playcentre but it still wont pick up on media portal. when I was just using the creative software I could get very basic functions of media portal like up and down but enter would not work! and help with how to set this up would really be great.


New Member
April 6, 2006
in the options you can setup the buttons to do whatever you want, try the select button for enter, i think it might already be set up that way.


New Member
April 7, 2006
The Enter button is the one I'm having trouble with. should I be running the standard creative software with the MediaTexx software? I tried turning of the creative software but then the entire remote stoped working. at the moment I can't get media portal to respond to the remote at all using Media Texx. The creative remove has a funny 'focus function' and if an application does not have the 'focus' then the remote wont contoll it. So i have to use the Creative software to give media portal the 'focus' and then the createve sofware will pick up on the up down left right standard remote functions in the same way it would contol media player or winamp. but the enter/select button deos not work. it says on screen enter/select but media centre does not do anything. Using MediaTexx its difficult with the creative software still running as they both trigger on a button press I'm assuming there must be a way to scrap the creative software and just use mediaTexx, any ideas?


New Member
April 6, 2006
idk man, i thought i woulda been able to help. i use my ATI AIW remote and my creative remote and havnt had any problems at all, i dont even run the factory drivers for them, all i run is the uice program.

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