I do not know if this "bug" is intentially introduced in BlueTwo 4:3 but in the musicOverlay.xml and the videoOverlay.xml the #currentplaytime label isnt shown with the right font size.
In BlueTwo WideScreen however it works like a charm and shows the font in Font72 size as it should. Doesnt BlueTwo 4:3 support fontsizes above a certain size?
I manually changed the fontsize in those 2 xml files for BlueTwo 4:3 to Font60 and now they work again. I added some examples and the edited xml files for BlueTwo 4:3.
Can this be fixed in SVN perhaps?
I do not know if this "bug" is intentially introduced in BlueTwo 4:3 but in the musicOverlay.xml and the videoOverlay.xml the #currentplaytime label isnt shown with the right font size.
In BlueTwo WideScreen however it works like a charm and shows the font in Font72 size as it should. Doesnt BlueTwo 4:3 support fontsizes above a certain size?
I manually changed the fontsize in those 2 xml files for BlueTwo 4:3 to Font60 and now they work again. I added some examples and the edited xml files for BlueTwo 4:3.
Can this be fixed in SVN perhaps?