Cursor not moving bug (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 14, 2007
Any idea when this bug is going to be fixed? When Mediaportal opens I cannot move the cursor until I press stop on the remote control. I then can move the selector bar up and down. I have enabled full-screen and always on top modes.

Also I would like Media Portal to be displayed on a secondary display, full screen. I have a 28" TV (secondary) and 15" PC monitor (primary) Media Portal only displays full screen on the primary. It also doesn't remember what monitor Media Portal was displayed on. Media Centre works on both aspects, it opens up on 28", and in full screen mode.

I think FFDSHOW integration is also broke, I could enable FFDSHOW post processing in Media Portal setup, with the OSD on green text appeared on the top left within MP, but now it doesn't. I've added ffdshow and ticked it in MP setup, when I now select the config tab next to it the ffdshow config page no longer pops up (it used to)

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