Definately confused, need some serious guidance. (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 22, 2008
I assume my issues is a DB loading issue but I am not sure.

Im using the latest SVN night release.

I have 3766 CD folders of which 3513 have covers (in the form of folder.jpg). These are located on a server with the path \\MediaServer\e\Music\Artist - Album\*.flac

Config: Thumbnails - Small Wide TFT's Thumbnail, Create folder cache on demand is NOT selected.

Config: Music Folder - \\MediaServer\e\Music, (D)CD/DVD Neither folder is selected

Config: Music Database (Scan music shares) - \\MediaServer\e\Music, D:\ Both are selected - Treat tracks is selected - Strip artists prefix is selected - Use for thumb creation folder.jpg is selected - Nothing else is selected.

I have updated the database from the selected and when it completes I have a DB that is roughly 45MB in size, I have a thumbs\Folder directory with 7026 images and I have a thumbs\Albums directory with 13956 images! Why are there so many images in the Albums folder?? If I have Treat tracks selected should it not only consider the tracks in each folder as an album?

I have no idea why there are so many images in the thumbs\Albums directory. I have deleted the DB and all images and rescanned about 5 times. Still the same result each time.

When first clicking on My Music from the home screen it takes about 30-45 seconds to load. Music view is "Shares", and anytime I leave the main music view page (such as going back to the home screen or selecting a folder) results in the same 30 second wait when I return back to the main music view page.

I have tried the RAMDRIVE method just placing the thumbs\Folder and the database folder on the RAMdisk and this did not help. I was not able to place the thumbs\Albums folder on the disk as it is too large with 13956 images, so Im not sure if that is the issue or not.

Anyway, I cant figure out (even without a RAMdisk) what the problem is. I figure its either checking the huge thumbs\Albums folder each time or its checking the share location each time. I tried a test by deleting all of the images in the thumbs folder to see if it would load up quickly without images and it did not. It took 45 seconds again and then cached all of the thumbs. I assume it checked the DB to see where the thumbs are located and it started to cache them.

If someone knows what Im doing wrong, please let me know. At its current speed its unusable.


Portal Member
August 5, 2006
mine does the same thing, but i have only about 500 cds or so. mine takes about 10-15 seconds, so it seems proportional.

ideas would be VERY nice.


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  • July 19, 2005
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    Add all music to database & switch view from Shares to Artist, Album or whatever & this should speed up Opening of My Music. Here it only takes a sec to open Music.



    Portal Member
    August 5, 2006
    i understand that, but those views look awful and are very awkard to use, i feel. plus, unless the music is perfectly tagged, it will be worthless.

    for instance, if you have a soundtrack, you are out of luck. if you have a compilation disc, out of luck.

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