Did someone used MONO to buid and run MP (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 12, 2006

I'm new here,
So first It's nice to see there are such a nice projects like this project :D to all that are working on it.

Now I like to know if anyone build and run MP using MONO
(Mono is an open-source project providing the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and server applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix.)

And if not:
can it be done?
Why not ? So the users of Linux & Mac OS ..... can enjoy this sw.



Portal Pro
December 7, 2004
United Kingdom
Its been covered many times before... the biggest reason that this will not work is that MP makes heavy use of DirectX technologies for rendering and video playback.

So the users of Linux & Mac OS

There are other free solutions for these platforms.

Welcome :).


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
I know that this question is not very liked, but:

I dont understand why such a great OPEN SOURCE project uses technologies like DirectX, .Net and WMP.
Media Portal could maybe be ported to other platforms when using open technologies.
I am not a programmer nor an expert in such things, but would it be possible to use OpenGL, Mono and any open source media player (maybe MPC) instead?

I hope you dont understand me wrong, but I dont like the feeling that I am addicted to Microsoft.

I dont want to blame anybody, but it would be interesting why especially these technologies are used for creating Media Portal?


Portal Pro
December 7, 2004
United Kingdom
but it would be interesting why especially these technologies are used for creating Media Portal?

As is often the case the most likely answer to such a question would be that the best tools available at the time were selected. Back when MP started there was Managed DirectX, there was WMP. There were no C# friendly OpenGL frameworks, no MPC bindings, Mono was trailing the .NET framework in terms of tested functionality also IIRC and so on.

why such a great OPEN SOURCE project uses

Similarly why just because MP is open do people feel that every last bit of it should also be open also? Windows isn't so should no OS applications ever be written for this platform?

I'd also speculate that the project's originator, given his previous experience with DirectX on the XBOX platform, didn't really feel the need to go learning a new technology etc. But only Frodo really knows the answers to all the above :).


Retired Team Member
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  • August 4, 2005
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    I am not a programmer nor an expert in such things, but would it be possible to use OpenGL, Mono and any open source media player (maybe MPC) instead?

    I think one main issue would be driver support for TV tuner cards, especially DVB cards with CAM's and hardware acceleration of video/deinterlacing etc for the video cards.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    The Netherlands
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    The everlasting question
    why o why does MP use technogly XYZ ???
    why o why does MP not run under linux / macOS ???

    Well some answers:

    - DirectX :
    Its simply the best technology (on windows) to perform fast gfx
    You can use openGL under windows yeah, but it isnt as fast and advanced as DirectX

    -DirectShow :
    If you want todo video/tv under windows, you will need to use DirectShow
    There is no alternative, like it or not. All cards have drivers which hook into directshow

    .NET / C#
    As an opensource project its important to attract developers right?
    Well guess whats the most used development language for windows???
    right thats .NET/C#. If we had choosen delphi, or C++ we would have a hard time to attract new devs. But what about java i hear ask. Java is nice, but unsuitable for this simply since you cannot access DirectX / DirectShow that easy.
    Java & (lowlevel) windows integration isnt that good. besides that, most java guys don't like to develop windows app do they?

    - WMP
    As far as i know WMP is only used for audio-playback. You might have noticed though that the last SVN versions are now using Steve's BASS engine to playback audio. So... no dependencies on WMP anymore..

    Besides this, consider the hardware / driver issue.
    Anybody tried to get tv card xyz to work in MythTv ???
    Its a disaster since for 80% of all cards there are no unix (or macOS) drivers!

    So i can also ask the question:
    Why would you like us to get MP to run on unix / macOS if:

    - hardware/driver support is bad for tvcards on these os-ses
    - installation of unix apps is much more difficult (try installing MythTv!)
    - macOS??? sorry, nice OS, but not enough users in my opinion
    - Fast video en/decoding, even hardware accellerated. Thats a problem on unix isnt it?
    - Fast gfx libraries like directx? one of the reasons there are not many games on macos/unix is exactly since this is missing right??
    - development tools. Most linux guys still program in C. Thats a very old language.
    Sure you can program .net or c++ on linux, but whats the support??
    The amount of opensource libraries/sdk's on macos/lunix in .net (or c++) is very minimal. Now consider windows. Almost every piece of code written by (opensource) developers nowadays is in.... C#/.NET


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