Different categories of videos (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 8, 2006
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England England
When I used meedio, I had a top level menu titled "Videos". Within there I had subcategories for home movies (ie, family stuff done on camcorder), films (dvds and divx ripped from dvds), tv series (episodes from tv series), and a scratch folder for stuff that I'd likely watch once and delete, ie, menu structure was something like:

--- Home Movies
--- Films
--- TV Series
--- Scratch

Home movies, TV series, and scratch would all take me to file system type views (ie, they pointed at a network share and the first view would be whatever folders where under there, and I could then navigate to actual video files which I could play. The Films entry would navigate metadata instead, ie it would consolidate the various folders on which films were stored, and prevent me with a unified list of films, displayed as (cover art) icons and names.

Question is, can I achive anything like this in MP? I can sort of do it by switching to the shares view for anything other than Films, then navigating to the appropriate entry, but this doesn't pass the "Wife Approval" test. She found the meedio approach easy to work with, and hasn't forgiven me for switching to MCE :)

Any suggestions? Is this something that a skin can provide, or does it require a plug in, or even a code change?


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