Distorted animated logo on ProjectX skin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 3, 2005
When I start mediaportal into the ProjectX skin, the little animation in the bottom-middle appears distorted, with funny white lines/blocks through it. It only started happening after I upgraded from a GF3Ti4200 to a 6600GT. The card does not appear to be faulty, as it plays most games I have tried just fine (apart from GTA3, which had the same lines/distortion on the title screen). Any ideas or hints as to what is causing these lines?

TIA :)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Did you uninstall the old driver and then remove gfx card, Then fit new card with updated driver. If you do a search on the internet, there is a tool for removing old nvidia drivers completely from system just to stop windows reusing them on new cards.
    Also check card firmly seated in AGP slot (Pre PCIe methinks)
    But it does sound graphic card oriented as a fault

    Hope this helps 8)


    Portal Member
    December 3, 2005
    No, I installed the new card without uninstalling the driver (I do this all the time when I upgrade nvidia cards and it's never been a problem in the past). I tried uninstalling the driver but I couldn't test with the default windows driver because no games (or media portal) would run without the nvidia driver.

    I will try removing and reinserting the card to see if that helps (yes it is AGP). I will also try disconnecting the CD drives in case the problem is insufficient power..


    Portal Member
    December 3, 2005
    Solved the problem, installing the motherboard drivers fixed things. Weird how it didn't affect the older card...

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