Does MediaPortal support stacking and tbn files? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 13, 2006
I'm looking to replace the xbox/xbmc on my HDTV so I can playback H264. It seems most people are jumping to MediaPortal so I want to start building an HTPC and give it a try.

What I haven't been able to find out is if it supports stacking of multi-part movies? For example, would it list these files on my NAS as a single movie?

Superman Returns - cd1.avi
Superman Returns - cd2.avi

And also, does it support cover art thumbnail files (jpegs renamed with a tbn extension) or will I have to go through and add new thumbs for all my movies?

I'll also still be using two other xbox's to run other TV's throughout the house and they'll all be using the same NAS. Is there any sort of conflict with running both MediaPortal and XBMC with the same backend media server?


Portal Pro
April 28, 2007
It does support stacking, but unfortunately not as well as XBMC (

I haven't gotten as far as customised thumbs yet, so I can't answer the tbn question.

No issues having the same backend as far as I know, although MP is more restrictive when it comes to certain things, for example it cannot do an IMDB scan using directory names and coupled with the stacking restiction as well you'll probably need to rename or restructure the store a bit.


Portal Member
May 13, 2006
Thanks for the info... Hopefully it'll get there someday with all the nice video features of XBMC.

It is looking like MediaPortal is still the best alternative for playing HD. I tried MCE awhile back and was very unimpressed.


Portal Member
March 29, 2007
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Denmark Denmark
phunqe: Well my MP does support IMDB searches based upon directory structure..

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