Does Windows turn-off TV card application features? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 31, 2009
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I set up a new Compro T750 TV tuner card and for a few days it seemed to work fine, both in its own application and also through Vista Media Centre.
Then I got a routine Windows Update message but, after installing it, I was no longer able to access the Compro application. However Media Centre continues to work well.
Does Windows purposely disable TV tuner card application software? I have seen some mention that you shouldn't use both the TV card application once you're using MCE but don't know why.


Portal Member
January 5, 2009
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I experienced the same problem with a Fusion card. It worked fine for three days alone, in MCE and in MP then i downloaded a recommended Microsoft "update' and that was the end of it, the native Fusion application never worked again.
I'm sure I've seen advice in this Forum that you shouldn't use a native TV card application once you've started using MP or MCE but nobody has ever explained why.
Anyhow, why shouldn't you?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    I'm sure I've seen advice in this Forum that you shouldn't use a native TV card application once you've started using MP or MCE but nobody has ever explained why.

    The main reason is conflict of accessing drivers, this can make things very unstable.

    For testing TV problems especially possible reception issues, we always recommend running the manufacturers program to test things with, because if that does not work, then sure as hell, mediaportal won't.

    Not sure why your applications do not work, I can access tv using the hauppauge software and have been able too since I downloaded the new wintv7 for test purposes, just had to see what improvements they had made, so this has been alright for past 2 weeks.

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