Drive Free Space Plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    this is a process plugin i've made for displaying free HDD space on your drives.. it's highly configurable and flexible..

    install by putting three dll files in MP\plugins\process folder, run configuration and configure it as you like..

    next, you should add a new control in skin files where this should be used. this is an example i've made in a hurry but you'll get the point :)

    Example for main control (textual)
      <description>Drive space</description>

    Example for Progress bar control
      <description>Progress Bar</description>

    hope you will like this, report your thoughts, bugs, whatever here :)

    Known "issues"

    If you're on Windows 7, sometimes there is issue with UAC and DriveFreeSpace not seeing network drives. Solution is to turn off UAC or try fix from the following TechNet article: Some Programs Cannot Access Network Locations When UAC Is Enabled
    Thanks to Larzon for helping me debug the issue!


    changed (rewrote) component for drives selection (old one was not working properly on Win7) - old dll files (Raccoom.TreeViewFolderBrowser.dll and Raccoom.TreeViewFolderBrowser.DataProviders.dll) are no longer needed

    increased character limit on bitrate textbox to 5
    small changes in configuration

    due to change in MediaPortal properties, brackets cannot be part of the property names - all properties with (X) renamed to .X.
    added bitrate calculation (recording time left) - requested by daniel_1980
    property #Drives.AvailableSpace.Data split in two (#DriveFreeSpace.AvailableSpace.Data.Drives and #DriveFreeSpace.AvailableSpace.Data.Total) - .Drives works exactly as old one and .Total returns the formatted data for all selected drives - requested by cruse
    added #DriveFreeSpace.Enabled and #DriveFreeSpace.X.Enabled properties - first will contain true/false strings depending on weather any drive has been selected, second will contain true/false strings depending on weather drive X is selected - requested by Bleazle
    added possibility for multiple plugins: copy DriveFreeSpace.dll and rename it as you wish
    due to that possibility, all gui properties are prefixed with plugin file name now: instead of #Drives* properties, they are now named #DriveFreeSpace* or whatever the plugin file name is
    also, this now requires you to reconfigure the plugin
    fixed for MediaPortal v1.1

    added new gui properties #Drives.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage and #Drives(X).AvailabelSpace.UsedPercentage; returns percentage of used space for all or one drive; replace X with the drive letter
    added new text property %uspercent% - returns a number (percent of occupied space)
    added new text property %usedspace% - returns used space in GB/MB/KB
    added new text property %driveletteronly% - returns drive letter only with no colon character

    all new lines are now processed only from configuration!
    fixed a small glitch in last build (30 seconds blackout on plugin start)

    added new gui properties #Drives(X).AvailableSpace.Data and #Drives(X).AvailableSpace.Percentage for each drive selected in configuration; replace X with the drive letter (doh!)

    fixed decimals
    added new text property %fspercent% - returns a number (percent) of free space
    added #Drives.AvailableSpace.Percentage - note that this returns percentage of free space of ALL drives you have selected in configuration.. i'm working on a version that will create a new property #Drives(X).AvailableSpace which will return .Data or .Percentage depending on what drives you have selected
    Renamed #Drives.AvailableSpace to #Drives.AvailableSpace.Data (i had problems with progress bar so i had to)

    initial release

    Note: since version 0.51, source is available on MediaPortal plugins repository (SourceForge), therefore no longer included in package


    • DriveFreeSpacePlugin0.2.rar
      30.7 KB
    • DriveFreeSpacePlugin0.3.rar
      30.7 KB
    • DriveFreeSpacePlugin0.31.rar
      30.7 KB
    • DriveFreeSpaceWithSrc0.4.rar
      30.7 KB
    • DriveFreeSpaceWithSrc0.5.rar
      183.9 KB
    • DriveFreeSpaceWithSrc0.51.rar
      184.9 KB
    • DriveFreeSpace0.55.rar
      11.7 KB
    • DriveFreeSpace0.55 for Mediaportal 1.2.0 beta and 1.3.0 Alpha.rar
      11.8 KB
    Last edited by a moderator:


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    • #3
    Looks useful. :)
    do you have a screen cap of what it would look like in a skin?

    that's the beauty of it.. you can format the output so it can llok like whatever you'd like.. you can put the text in different gui components,whatever fits you the most..

    Is there a way of showing drive space as a % bar also?

    nop, not yet, i'm not sure how to do this in a skin..what component you have to use?

    but it's a good idea, i'll add a new format string to return a number (percentage of free space)

    User 04

    Portal Pro
    April 14, 2008
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    Thanks, this is excellent and I will be incorporating into the Retro skins :).

    I have just had a quick muck around , and as you can see from the screen print I have the data showing where the TV Preview window opens. I have disabled this display, as I think it is more decorative, than practical.

    I will also be incorporating this data into the other relevant screens.

    The only issue I have is with the spacing of displayed drive information.

    Is it possible to incorporate a spacing adjustment into the configuration.

    Have also deleted (%label%), as this makes the information more compact. BTW the screen prints are much clearer when I do them on my HTPC, this was done on my office computer.

    MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - Blue3 Retro Lite

    MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - Blue3wide Retro Lite


    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    Hi, just installed your plugin and integrated it in the skin file for sys info (PureVision). I think the result is satisfying!


    • SystemInfo.jpg
      175.1 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
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    • #6
    Thanks, this is excellent and I will be incorporating into the Retro skins :).

    I have just had a quick muck around , and as you can see from the screen print I have the data showing where the TV Preview window opens. I have disabled this display, as I think it is more decorative, than practical.

    I will also be incorporating this data into the other relevant screens.

    The only issue I have is with the spacing of displayed drive information.

    Is it possible to incorporate a spacing adjustment into the configuration.

    Have also deleted (%label%), as this makes the information more compact. BTW the screen prints are much clearer when I do them on my HTPC, this was done on my office computer.

    MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - Blue3 Retro Lite

    MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - Blue3wide Retro Lite

    just remove any empty lines in the gui text format in configuration.. it should make a one by one line spacing..

    glad you both like it :)


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    Looks like a handy plugin but I can't get anything to appear :( I've attached the XML file which has the code inserted - I want this info to appear in the empty box on the left hand side. As you can see the Plugin has been enabled - any ideas why nothing is showing up?



    EDIT: I found the problem - it was me, not reading the instructions properly!! :p :oops: I had put the .dll files into the Plugins/Windows directory instead of the Plugins/Process directory.

    The attached screenshot is from my test computer - looks like I need to clean my C Drive up a bit!:D

    Great little plugin, thanks! This will be supported in the next release of the Bleazle skin.



    • 15-02-2009 12-26-00 p.m..jpg
      15-02-2009 12-26-00 p.m..jpg
      35.6 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    • #10
    new version uploaded.. go for that percentage line! ;)

    edit: two new versions uploaded! text and percent for each drive was easier than i expected :)


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