Dual Screen: MP Control on one, fullscreen playback on secondary (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 27, 2013
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Germany Germany

display Movies, TV and Images on a secondary screen with an independent resolution.
The Controls display is on both screens or just on one, a control screen
So there would be a control screen and a display screen.
(If this is not possible, I would like to have a button to move the MP-window from one screen to the other and automatically bring it to full screen [like "\" on xmbc])

Reasons for this request:
I use a projector and don't want to turn it on every time I select music.
Users that use MP for Display and Audio applications would enjoy this option, they could install a small touchscreen and have a simple control screen.

switching the projector/TV on while MP is running would need to switch the directx output to the secondary screen.
This should be possible (maybe with a special driver), as laptops usually have this option.

MPdisplay++ tried to fill this gap but it is too slow, shows items in different order and ...

this idea is not new, but a satisfying solution has not been found jet. Apparently DirectX is one of the reasons...

Greetings and a lot of thanks for all the effort


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    If MP2, then I'll definitely make sure that is is not forgotten :D

    I have a similar use case: My case is a S21T from OrigenAE, having an inbuilt 11'' touch screen. The native resolution of the touch screen is something like 1280x800 (not entirely sure, but somewhere around there). The second display attached is a Samsung Full HD TV.

    The advantage of the S21T touch screen is that it can display full hd resolution and I can therefore use clone mode to display MP2 on both displays. The trouble starts when you quit MP and see your desktop in full hd resolution on an 11'' screen (in particular if you have fingers like me and try to hit a menu entry on the touch screen ;) )

    Unfortunately, clone mode is not possible with different resolutions on the two displays directly by the graphics card driver. Therefore I see two possibilities to improve the situation for my setup:

    1. Implement a clone mode for different resolutions directly in MP2 (I have no clue about programming with DirectX at all, but what I always thought is that it can't be too big of a problem to just copy and resize a picture directly in the graphics card before it is displayed on both dispays in an "extended dektop" configuration with different resolutions - that should be a typical transformation for a graphics card...)

    2. Having exactly what @GvT describes above. My touch screen would be the "control display" and my TV would be the projector in GvT's description.

    If you mean MP1, btw, such a solution already exists: MPDisplay++



    Portal Member
    April 27, 2013
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    Germany Germany

    @chefkoch (asked per mail: MP1 or MP2?):
    I would prefer this in MP2,
    if it were for MP1 I would stay with MP1.

    @Michael,I tried MPDisplay++ more than once, it never worked properly (wrong sorting, time delay, after a while it was not synchronized with MP1 any more)
    It also needs to have both monitors running the whole time.
    I would like to use the projector temporarely and have MP display pictures, movies and TV on it, so this would truely be a secondary monitor.



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  • June 10, 2008
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    For MP1 an interim solution already exists, a shortcut button on your remote that switches between your projector and your tv/monitor.


    Portal Member
    April 27, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    Hello Kiwijunglist,

    For MP1 an interim solution already exists, a shortcut button on your remote that switches between your projector and your tv/monitor.

    I suspect you are referring to adding a shortcut to the control of the graphic card, switching monitor profiles?
    I have tried this idea, but using different resolutions I need to restart MP every time I switch monitors... This restart is very inconvenient so if MPx would automatically recognize the resolution change and readjust... That would be a feature I would like and could live with.

    A lot of thanks for you assistance,

    @chefkoch: I should have been more clearly that I was referring to MP2
    I guess since this is still in an Alpha state, I is easier to incorporate such a feature.


    Portal Member
    April 27, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    Hello to everyone,
    in a similar thread (concerning MP1) Cubii posted some helpful hotkeys:
    alt enter --> windows mode/Fullscreen
    windows+shift+arrow (left or right) --> send application to another monitor (win 7)
    They seem to work with MP2 as well, I had some stability issued though.
    By these it should be possible to toggle between the screens.
    (I have not tried it with different resolutions jet, I will keep you up to date)

    What I would prefer is a solution that requires a deeper change, maybe this is possible too:
    Have the controls in a seperate, transparent window. This should be displayed on screen 1 and/or screen 2
    Have the moving images in another windows that can be shifted from one screen to the other.
    Would this be possible?

    Many greetings


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  • June 10, 2008
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    This would be an ugly and clunky solution to the problem, it will not make it into MePo. You would be better to request that MePo is able to adjust to a new screen resolution without restarting.

    Regardless, you could create what you describe above in hotkey or another scripting language.


    Portal Member
    April 27, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    an ugly and clunky solution

    Hello Kikijunglist,

    now I tried the solution with the hotkeys.
    In order to make it work, I have to stick to this procedure:
    1.) Switch MP2 from Fullscreen to window-mode (Alt-Enter)
    2.) Shift MP2 to the other screen (Win-Shift-Left)
    3.) Switch MP2 back to Fullscreen (Alt-Enter)
    In Addition I get a Framework 4 Error, so I have to click "ignore" 2 times (I will post this in a bug thread)

    As you stated correctly, this is a rather "ugly and clunky solution".
    I would prefer to leave the controls and only shift the moving images, be it TV or DVD/Movies.
    But then it would be nice to have the Controls on both screens.

    Many greetings


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  • June 10, 2008
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    You could make autohotkey click the ignore 2 times as well for you.[DOUBLEPOST=1370505778][/DOUBLEPOST]This isn't actually in mantis, our issue tracker.

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