A clean system is definitely worth trying on. No matter what I did with my system no a single channel was found, no amount of re-applying drivers or re-installing of MediaPortal would help. Formatted and moved to Windows7 and everything is working as it should again. Something had obviously got messed up with the drivers, but Vista thought everything was hunky dory and couldn't be persuaded otherwise.A full scan on both Mediaportal and the stock software both turn up emptyIt's a total mystery to me...
Lol thanks Tony, I've got a machine here with a fresh install of Windows XP SP3 with nothing but the windows updates, I'm going to try it on there in a while to make sure it's not being caused by any third party software I have installed on my other machines.
From the pictures, it looks like it's a Kworld 'PCI-E Dual DVB-T TV Card (VS-DVBT PE210)' - http://global.kworld-global.com/main/prod_in.aspx?mnuid=1248&modid=6&pcid=44&ifid=18&prodid=77 - which doesn't have any Win7 drivers.....so not so good....although the Vista drivers *might* work OK