DVD menus to work (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 24, 2007
Currently when viewing a DVD the menu more often than not, does not work correctly, ie if I press down to select a different menu item, I cannot see the menu item be highlighted. However when I press the select button it will select the item as if I moved down.

I presume Im not the only person to have this problem?


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  • February 23, 2005
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    I think that you have posted this in the wrong section - this sounds like a DVD support issue - not a "Pictures Improvement Suggestion"? I have moved the post to the correct section.

    I had a similar problem a while back and found that I needed to use the Cyberlink Video decoder (Power DVD 6) and install DVD43 (Google for it) to get the menus to navigate correctly. I noticed that the menu navigation issues were with DVDs that contained copy-protection - hence the need to use DVD43. All works fine now ... :)

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