DVD - Upscale to 720p HDTV & Progressive ? (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 9, 2006
I'm quite new to Media Portal and therefore don't know much about what it is capable of - yet.

I know that for standalone dvd players only some feature progressive output and even less the ability to upscale to hdtv resolution. So my questions are:

1. Is Media Portal capable of upscale & progressive for DVD playback?

2. If yes, what are the settings to achieve this? What decoders?

I have my PC connected to my 720p LCD TV. Obviously the TV is doing some sort of upscaling itself and - as far as I know - is only capable of displaying progressive. So, I'm wondering:

3. Is The upscaling via PC of higher quality then the one the TV is doing?

4. Is progressive output still necessary / recommended for a LCD TV ?

Please excuse if my questions have been answered elsewhere. I searched the forums but couldn't find much on upscaling/progressive output.

Kind regards


Portal Member
April 13, 2006
1.) From what I can tell, yes it is but I could never get the built in video player to work correctly (which isn't much of an issue since I would have perferred to use Zoomplayer anyways).

2.) Its rather simple for pretty much most CPUs to upscale to 720p but as mentioned above I couldn't really tell you since I don't use the built in player. There probably isn't a whole lot different, I've posted my settings before so all you would have to do is tweak the resizing to 1280x720 (I'm "CrimandEvil" over there). As mentioned in the link I'm using the Dscaler5 MPEG codec.

3.) It depends but generally speaking yes you can get better quality from an HTPC with the right software and settings. Generally I would suggest turning on VMR9 rendering as it helps the most for image quality if you can use it (if you have a DX9 video card).

4.) If you're outputing from a video it's already progressive (unless you're using svideo/composite) so this doesn't matter.

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