Thanks for the reply. It is great to hear that you are already working on some of the areas for potential improvement.
Thanks again!
I only tried jpg's. I will try other fileformats tonight after work. Maybe I am missing a dll or something that allows this?You 'should' be able to just drag n drop images onto the panels (I can even just drag images straight from web pages my end), does it just not work with jpgs or with all image files??
Yes I was imagining merging similar to how movingpics merges multiple files. In terms of using the plugin, maybe it could be handled like you do with goodmerge sets in that if you don't want to use the last disc then you can use a button in the plugin like the goodmerge button and just select the disc from there.I'll definitely add multiple disk support - how do you see it working?
I'm thinking we add a the ability to merge files in the importer, similar to how movingpics merges multiple files.
The plugin should then just remember the last disc used but also provide a method for viewing/selecting alternate discs from the GUI.
Thanks again!