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I have spent a few hours testing and going over the results of the latest version of EPG-Buddy

As a result of my testing, I have discovered that following the instructions for grabbing ATCS, U.S.A. TVGuide data, there is a difference between the Channels found after putting in your User ID and Password vers the channels grabbed at the First Grab EPG Now in Schedule.

I created a spreadsheet to keep track of each channel discovered at each stage, and the associated xml files written.

14 Channels are missing after the 1st Grab EPG Now But 1 new channel is discovered during this Grab.

At the same time, during the original channel discovery, 8 json files are saved to the EPG-Buddy\EPG-Grabber.EPG\TVGuide directory and all appear to be associated to WBBM HDTV channel.

After each Grab EPG now I checked the EPG-Buddy\EPG-Grabber.EPG\TVGuide directory for new xml files for each channel.

The removal of the channels between the First discovery and the First Grab EPG now, throws the channel matching off and at times, making matching imposable.

The Good News is that there does not appear to be any more changes to the channels after the 1st Grab EPG now (that removes the 14 channels) and any other Grab EPG now.

I am including the following attachments

Channels Spreadsheet - 3 different formats

Database Files - One of the First Channel Discovery and One of the First Grab

Channel Grab No Scan EPG-Grabber log showing the channels discovered before a first Grab EPG now.

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