EPG Grabber hangs on some transponders (1 Viewer)


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  • June 20, 2005
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    ON some transponder on hotbird 13e EPG hangs and I get the following log:

    21/08/2007 10.07.35 6 epg:Grab for card:#1 transponder #5 index:0/2 last:01/01/2000 0.00.00 type:3 freq:11200000 mod:-1 sr:27500 bw:8 pol:2
    21/08/2007 10.07.35 6 grab epg card:#1 transponder: #5 ch:pLAY TV ITALIA
    21/08/2007 10.07.37 6 Epg: card:1 start grab DVBS:tv:T-Systems/MTI PLAY TV ITALIA Freq:11200000 ONID:318 TSID:13400 SID:4730 PMT:1300 FTA:True LCN:10000 SymbolRate:27500 Modulation:ModNotSet Polarisation:LinearV InnerFecRate:Rate5_6 DisEqc:confused:impleA band:Universal Pilot:NotSet RollOff:NotSet
    21/08/2007 10.17.37 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 10,00078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.18.07 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 10,50078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.18.37 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 11,00078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.19.07 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 11,50078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.19.37 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 12,00078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.20.07 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 12,50078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.20.37 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 13,00078125 mins
    21/08/2007 10.21.07 6 Epg: card:1 timeout after 13,50078125 mins

    I'm able to view the above channel by the way so it's not a signal problem.

    Is it possibile to introduce a timeout so that the grabber skips to the next transponder after a while? If a channel on this transponder (or others that don't work) is selected for epg grabbing this would prevent epg grabbing to work at all!!


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