"Error" in Status Field when saving file (1 Viewer)


New Member
July 19, 2010
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United States of America United States of America
I'm relatively new to this, but love the program. For some files (in some cases, those in an entire folder, in others just some within a folder), after I've made tag/filename changes, and then try to save the files, I get "Error" in the Status column for that/those files. Sometimes I have figured out that it means there is already a file with the same name (it would be nice if the error indicated that -- maybe in a future release?), but lately it's been happening with files where there are none others in the folder. Any ideas? Thanks!


New Member
July 19, 2010
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United States of America United States of America
Thank you, Helmut! I didn't know about that tab "Messages", and that will help me troubleshoot this. I've checked some of the error files and they are not read-only. But it's worth checking. Thanks! I think the tab will be the key... I'll let you know if i still have trouble... great program!


Portal Pro
July 21, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
Hi Guys
I'm relatively new to this, but love the program. For some files (in some cases, those in an entire folder, in others just some within a folder), after I've made tag/filename changes, and then try to save the files, I get "Error" in the Status column for that/those files. Sometimes I have figured out that it means there is already a file with the same name (it would be nice if the error indicated that -- maybe in a future release?), but lately it's been happening with files where there are none others in the folder. Any ideas? Thanks!

I am having similar issues. I seem not to be able to change any tags at all. They all give this error
"access to the path 'D:\users\public\music\abba ...etc' is denied" This is a std win 7 public folder with full control to all users. I am using Win 7 64 bit

Am I doing something wrong. The files already have tag info and am trying to update some of them. All files seems to do this

Thanks in advance

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