Errors in Film-Entrys? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 15, 2007
Home Country
Austria Austria

In some additional film-entries, mostly on "Directors" and "Cast" there is in addition to the name entry like this:
<id>1234</id>|Michael Bay

or on cast are tags visible like
<name>Tom Cruise</name>|Dustin Hoffman

this "tag-entries" are also in the config visible, they must be imported itself by the IMDB (OFDB)-grab.

Is there a way to fix it?

kind regards!


Portal Pro
November 17, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
see this post.
There were some changes made to the gateway to Ofdb so the old grabber would do what you described.
Download the file, open the config of MovingPictures, go the the 4th (if i remember correctly - not at my htpc right now) tab and there should be a button like "Movie Data Source".
The should be a little + and a down arrow next to it - push the arrow and click on "new data source"(or something like that) and select the file that you downloaded earlier. After that take a look that it's the first grabber in the list.
now all new movies should have the correct data. To "repair" the old ones you have to go into the movie manager and hit the "green circled arrow" (the one that looks life refresh) and selct grab from


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