Evaluate and search system specs? (1 Viewer)


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  • May 23, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hello all,

    sometimes, when I'm trying to encircle some ugly HW-problem (e.g. remote, TV-card etc) I wish I could easily find other users with the same HW. Other times I wonder how many people are using a certain svn, a certain plugin or skin.

    Would it be possible to evaluate the system specs which many users keep for this purpose? I think this would be a nice additional service.

    regards from Stuttgart


    MP Donator
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  • January 4, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I think this hack is used for the system specs view.

    It doesn't contain search functions.

    However, since its data is stored in a database it is searchable if someone provides a search api in php preferably (search box and output functions). There would be tradeoffs in search quality since the data is stored in plaintext rather than hardware IDs but using IDs would be unmaintainable anyways imo (just a sidenote).

    If you're a web developer it's no big deal to create such. The question remains whether or not high would want this to be possible plus who would want to create this feature.



  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 31, 2004
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    Germany Germany
    hi, this one is not planned from our/my side at the moment. The amount of extra coding work is not worth the rare benefits. Its not the pure search itself but the integration to the search templates aso. Im also not sure if anyone is happy with getting unexpected PMs just cause they use the same IR or whatever.


    Portal Member
    April 17, 2009
    Home Country
    France France
    Another suggestion will be to add in
    "System Specification" - field = Provider

    The case,like some of us, had www.free.fr or other any specific provider which provide IPTV with specific norms and need to resolve issues
    Or someone had a provider one for which IPptv working but need some advices, links or procedures - Ex Provider Orange user can use Iptv plugin with a specific procedure ..

    By the way, why can't you implement a transparent and interactive report system to send to the User/Cp System Specification - with a check-uncheck of what can or not ..


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