Event Ghost Plugin For Mediaportal (1 Viewer)


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  • December 31, 2006
    The author of EventGhost has just published a plugin for EventGhost to control MediaPortal.

    I have installed this and after configuring for my Streamzap remote, it appears to work flawlessly.

    Just a heads up for those who are interested.:D


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    where is the plugin?? and also, what are the adventages when using this plugin? currently i'm using event ghost with the keyboard input plugin (to remap the keys in some plugins, like my music, my videos, etc) and it work almost perfect... so can you explain the features added by this plugins?


    MP Donator
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  • December 31, 2006

    Hello Patricon,

    You gave me a great heads up a week or two in relation to Eventghost, but I was still having trouble making it work for me. I think the above thread explains everything.

    The main issue I had was with the "Find Window" command in the macros which seemd to shift focus for me. This plugin seems to solve that.

    The plugin also means that the MediaPortal commands required for key presses are already in the plugin and don't need to be mapped separately.

    If I can explain further let me know.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    Where can we download the plugin?

    I'm interested to see how it was done, it looks like (from the above forum thread) maybe my message plugin was a basis for it. Maybe I can figure out why the window focus is being taken for you.



    MP Donator
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  • December 31, 2006
    Hi Aaron, and Patricon,

    Sorry I wasn't clearer, the plugin is part of the latest Beta of EventGhost - can be found here

    http://www.eventghost.org/downloads/ Release 1108 has it I believe

    Thanks for your interest, the thing with EventGhost is he also has a plugin for my Streamzap remote. Would happily give IR server suite a look if it can do what I now do with EG

    The interface for mapping keys in EG is really easy - press a buton on the remote, drag the resulting action to the macro - assign a MediaPortal action to that key via the new plugin, and thats it.

    Should have also said Aaron, do you want a copy of my XML file for Eventghost, which has all the macros in it, might be easier for you so you don't have to reinvent the wheel for testing purposes. I can post it here if you want, when I get to my home machine in an hour or two.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    Thanks druid9,

    Post anything you think will make it easier for people to use. If you've already got it set up and working then by all means post your xml file.

    I'll let you know if I include StreamZap remote support in IR Server Suite. It wont happen straight away, but it seems like a popular remote so I'll see what I can do.


    I've had a look at the EventGhost MediaPortal plugin. It's using the windows messages interface provided by my Message Plugin, which is a good way to do it and is precisely why I created the Message Plugin.

    The problem you're having with focus being stolen is probably due to the "Gain Focus" checkbox on the input mapper inside the Message Plugin. If you uncheck the box in the "Gain Focus" checkbox for each command then you should prevent the focus shift from happening. You may want to create a link on the EventGhost forum back to this post (if this fixes it) so others can solve this problem too.



    Portal Member
    December 6, 2008

    Did you somehow get your streamzap receiver to accept MCE remote codes? I loaded up your EventGhost config file (MediaPortal2.xml) into event ghost and most the streamzap stuff works great but I notice there are also events for MCE remote events, does this mean you have an MCE remote working with the Streamzap receiver? I would like to be able to do that but haven't found a way yet.

    Any help?

    FYI: I have a Harmony 510 remote which can emulate an MCE and/or Streamzap remote but the streamzap remote has a few less featrues/buttons than the MCE remote so I would like to be able to emulate the MCE remote with the Harmony. Also, if I could get that working I might be able to skip EventGhost entirely as MediaPortal has built in support for MCE remotes.


    Portal Pro
    May 7, 2006
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    England England
    What receiver are you using? I presume you are using the Streamzap receiver.

    I've been playing around with this receiver and have not managed to get it to work with MCE remote commands or any other commands apart from those from the Streamzap. I've also had problems with the Streamzap plugin in Eventghost when I resume from stand-by it consumes 100% of the a CPU core, after reboot <1%.


    Portal Member
    December 6, 2008
    Yes I am using the streamzap receiver. I have some workarounds for the lack of buttons on the Streamzap compared to the MCE though so this isn't a huge deal but I usually prever to use built in functinoality (i.e. MediaPortals built-in support for the MCE remote) over extra add-ons (such as EventGhost + Message Plugin for MediaPortal).

    My main beef with the Streamzap remote over the MCE remote is the lack of buttons like Live TV, My Videos, My Music etc. It's nice to be able to jump directly to the screen you want without having to use the interface to navigate back to the home screen first.

    As a workaround for his I configured the 4 color buttons (red, green, yellow, blue) to trigger the four screens I use the most (LiveTV, MyMusic, MyVideo, MyRadio). I also created some Macros that allow me to switch to mouse keys via the Mute button which is sweet because by disabling the offical Streamzap software (so that it does not interfere with EventGhost from what I hear) you lose that option.

    I also tweaked some other things in your MediaPortal2.xml file once I had it loaded into EvenGhost because some things didn't work, they mapped to the wrong keyboard shortcuts, etc. Can't remember what it was but something was mapped to F6 which did nothing in media portal. Also the OK button didn't work because event ghost was receiver it as Streamzap.OK and the config file had it listed as Streamzap.Ok (or vice versa, can't recall).

    I'll post my version once I get it tweaked all the way.

    My main goal in all of this is to use my Harmony 510 remote to emulate the Streamzap and maybe the MCE if necessary and if I can get it to work.

    I have not yet tried to enter standby since setting up EventGhost with the MediaPortal plugin so not sure if I will experience the same CPU usage issues.

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