Exclude folder within a Watch folder (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 24, 2007
I was wondering if it's possible to exclude an entire folder that's a sub-directory in my watch folder.

The reason why is because I have a folder called "Movies" which has all my movies. Some movies are also in their own folders as well. However I have a folder within "Movies" called "Watched" (Movies\Watched\) and well I don't want the files contained within "Watched" to be part of the database.


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  • June 27, 2008
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    Pretty sure the only way would be to move the watched folder outside the movies folder.

    you could always do something like


    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2009
    I was wondering if it's possible to exclude an entire folder that's a sub-directory in my watch folder.

    The reason why is because I have a folder called "Movies" which has all my movies. Some movies are also in their own folders as well. However I have a folder within "Movies" called "Watched" (Movies\Watched\) and well I don't want the files contained within "Watched" to be part of the database.

    I think it's not possible. But, you can set Watched flag on your watched movies and set filter for "Only unwatched movies". In this case you have more flexibility.


    Portal Member
    March 24, 2007
    Thanks for your replies.

    However I don't really want to change around my folder structure since it would cause other problems elsewhere so I guess I'll have to mess around with that "Watched" flag. Thing is, not all the movies are watched on the HTPC/MediaPortal, some are just watched from normal PCs so it would be a bit cumbersome to manage.

    Perhaps in the future, an exclude folder option could be included rather than just files.


    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    next time when you have 5 minutes, just go through your movie list on MP an set the watched flag from the GUI. Depending on how many movies of course..
    I don't watch all my movies from MP, but when I've watched it on a PC I just set the watched flag the next morning/evening in MP


    Portal Member
    March 24, 2007
    Fair enough, if your the only one who watches movies...

    Other people in my family watch things on their own time as well though and others wouldn't probably watch the same thing. Bit hard for me to manage it myself, and well the rest of 'em aren't the most computer literate.

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