Hi fforde and armandp
Apologies if this has been requested before, I had a quick look and couldn't find anything. The basic idea is as follows : Like many others here I have quite a huge movie colloection on my MediaPortal PC. I also often have a scenario where friends bring along a memory stick or portable HDD and wish to copy some movies from me. The way I currently do it is incredibly clunky. We scroll through the list in Moving Pictures and make a list on paper of what they want. I then have to Alt-Tab to explorer and try to find every movie in the list in my (quite messy) directory structure.
The situation is the same when I go away on holiday or business and want to take some movies with me.
It would be great if I could scroll through the list and select an item from a context menu that "dumps to removable media". The exact target folder could be set up before (or it could ask every time, so long as it remembers the previously selected folder).
Would anyone else be interested in this? It would certainly add a lot of value for me.
for a brilliant plugin.
Apologies if this has been requested before, I had a quick look and couldn't find anything. The basic idea is as follows : Like many others here I have quite a huge movie colloection on my MediaPortal PC. I also often have a scenario where friends bring along a memory stick or portable HDD and wish to copy some movies from me. The way I currently do it is incredibly clunky. We scroll through the list in Moving Pictures and make a list on paper of what they want. I then have to Alt-Tab to explorer and try to find every movie in the list in my (quite messy) directory structure.
The situation is the same when I go away on holiday or business and want to take some movies with me.
It would be great if I could scroll through the list and select an item from a context menu that "dumps to removable media". The exact target folder could be set up before (or it could ask every time, so long as it remembers the previously selected folder).
Would anyone else be interested in this? It would certainly add a lot of value for me.