Feature request : Dump to removable media (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 16, 2007
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South Africa South Africa
Hi fforde and armandp

Apologies if this has been requested before, I had a quick look and couldn't find anything. The basic idea is as follows : Like many others here I have quite a huge movie colloection on my MediaPortal PC. I also often have a scenario where friends bring along a memory stick or portable HDD and wish to copy some movies from me. The way I currently do it is incredibly clunky. We scroll through the list in Moving Pictures and make a list on paper of what they want. I then have to Alt-Tab to explorer and try to find every movie in the list in my (quite messy) directory structure.

The situation is the same when I go away on holiday or business and want to take some movies with me.

It would be great if I could scroll through the list and select an item from a context menu that "dumps to removable media". The exact target folder could be set up before (or it could ask every time, so long as it remembers the previously selected folder).

Would anyone else be interested in this? It would certainly add a lot of value for me.

:D for a brilliant plugin.


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
That's an interesting idea, no one has mentioned anything like this before. I think it might be slightly outside the scope of the plug-in though, our focus is really on the playback aspects of your movie collection, and we have very few features that actually manipulate anything on disk. The only thing I can think of is the delete functionality...

But I think if someone came up with a clean implementation and submitted a patch I think we would be open to adding the feature. It would need:

1) A new advanced setting to turn on and off the behavior (defaulted to off).
2) A new advanced setting to specify a path to copy movies.
3) A new context menu item in the Movie Details context menu (only visible when the setting from item 1 is enabled).
4) A method to actually do the moving, which would need to launch a separate thread.

If anyone is interested in implementing this, jump on IRC and we can talk. Jjnaude, if you want to add this to our issue tracker as an enhancement request, go for it, but I think this is not something the core team would get to for a while unless one of our developers was just really passionate about it.


Portal Pro
February 15, 2007
pretty much in the center
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Germany Germany
this sound interesting...

hi guys,

this feature sounds really nice... I was looking for something new to do for MediaPortal anyway so this caught my eye.
I'm gonna look into it for a bit and see what i can come up with.

as for some further ideas i got this:

1) mark movies first and than allow batch copy
2) choose the dump target via gui (list of external/removable drives (root folders) + preconfigured path)
3) copy in seperate thread and show a progress bar on demand

anymore ideas?

hi MovingPictures devs,

ten minutes into digging in the code i stumbled across this:

private void showMainContext() {
            // WARNING/TODO
            // If any items are added to this menu conditionally, the current setup will break.
            // the method structure needs to be changed to mimic the showDetailsContext() method
            // if ANY conditional items are added.

i'm planning on extending the context menu with "add to dump queue"/"remove from dump queue" (just working labels). but i got scared by your Warning comment ;-)

any hints?

EDIT: what about using an enumeration for the guilistitem ids - rather than having the ids generated via iteration? And what do you mean by "the current setup will break"???



Portal Member
April 16, 2007
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
hi guys,

this feature sounds really nice... I was looking for something new to do for MediaPortal anyway so this caught my eye.
I'm gonna look into it for a bit and see what i can come up with.

as for some further ideas i got this:

1) mark movies first and than allow batch copy
2) choose the dump target via gui (list of external/removable drives (root folders) + preconfigured path)
3) copy in seperate thread and show a progress bar on demand

anymore ideas?

Wow! This sounds so much better than the "quick & dirty" I had in mind. :D so much for taking this up. I've got one more idea to add. Basically it's about handling limited space on the target drive.

What we don't want is a silent failure. It would really suck to select 100 movies to be copied, remove the disk after a few hours and then have to redo it or even worse, to only find out that the movies haven't copied after you left.

If the target was selected beforehand, it would be possible to keep track of the available space. Then as soon as a selected movie would push the queue size over this limit, you could grey out that option on the context menu. It would be even better if the remaining space on the queue could be visible, so you could become more selective if you see that you are running out of space.

But this is really just icing. Even an extremely basic dump feature would be VASTLY better than what I'm doing now. :D:D:D

:D again


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Anthrax, if you are working on this please be sure to jump in the IRC channel and say hello. The odds of a patch being integrated are GREATLY improved if you talk over changes with the dev team first.

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