Feature request: WebGUI for MovingPictures backend (1 Viewer)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Sometimes I want to change something manually in Moving Pictures or just confirm some new additions that for some reason hasn't been automatically added BUT typically, my family is watching SpongeBob and I can't get to my HTPC. I use uTorrent's WebGUI (installed on the HTPC) that allows me to add/delete/pause/start/label/ torrents from my laptop silently while MediaPortal is running and today I thought to myself - Just how sweet would it be if I could get to Moving Pictures data remotely and without stopping playback?

    Just the basic stuff would be needed really, seeing the Movie Importer and having access to:

    Add Path (could be manual by typing)
    Restart Importer
    IMDB Search

    See a list of currently non-added titles with the ability of selecting the possible matches and OK:ing them

    Importer settings:

    Manage the dataproviders with UP/DOWN arrows or double-click to enable/disable

    If this can be done already (by running the backend standalone application that I vaguely remember reading about) over the network it's even better, but that won't work, right?



    MP Donator
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  • July 7, 2009
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    The WebGUI sounds like an interesting idea.

    I would have found it very useful back when I was often checking the database for improperly imported titles.

    However, once I started naming my files like this, "The Time Machine (1960) (tt0054387).avi", every single movie imports correctly every time. The second number in parentheses is the "tt" number of the movie as it appears in the URL for that title at IMDB.com

    This is a little off your original topic, but I thought the above info might be helpful to you, in case you were not already aware of it.


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
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    Yeah, adding tt-numbers to the filename is great but not really the same thing.



    Portal Pro
    January 12, 2008
    +1, but I'd kinda like it for the Mediaportal in general. That is, having and option for all the configuration to be done in a WEBGUI instead of the current method. FYI, have a look at the post here for other webgui related stuff: webgui thread


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    I'm used to added tt-ID to my filenames, so everything always imports fast and 100% correct.

    However I do always like confirmation that everything went 'Ok', and I'm in the same situation where access to HTPC is limited as it's almost always in use by my better half.

    So I've come up with many concurrent ways that work for me. The log files can be read fine with MediaPortal or any plugin in full usage and if you share the log folder, then you can examine these log files easy remotely.

    The batch file I use to check if files got added/imported correctly, or if they got moved/renamed, or if they failed to match an import is a basic 3-line script that I actually showed to another post a moment ago, so you can look at: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/832342-post2.html

    I know your original suggestion entails much more, but possibly this way will help you ease the pain a bit until more advanced concurrent ways are possible.

    PS: If an import fails, I usually move it outside of the import path, rename it to add IMDb tt-ID or other means to ensure proper import and then move the file (and optional folder) back into the import path location and via batch script verify it went good. It's extra work of course and not an easy GUI way of how MovPic config importer allows you to do it, but it does work and is concurrency compatible.

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