Feedback from new user: GREAT software (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 7, 2007
near Aachen
Home Country
Germany Germany
THANKS to the mediaportal team for this phantastic software. It is just amazing what you can do with it.

I installed RC1 a week ago.
Here is my top-level feedback:
1. It took me some time to understand the top-level mediaportal architecture. That in turn was necessary to understand what and how to install it (tv-engine, mediaportal, tv-engine plug-in). The installation video was a great help, but for me a top-level architecture picture would have been even more useful.
2. I found then that now with the RC1, the installation is much easier (and safer) than shown in the wiki and in the video: you don't need to install the latest svn build. I think this is very useful for new users to know.
3. The other hurdle in installation (on Vista) was the admin rights problem for tv-engine (setup failing). I found the solution in the forum.
4. As I said, the software is amazing. I can watch, pause and record TV from any PC in my home. Even multiple channels (on one transponder) with only one TV card. Thousends of other features I don't want to start describing.
5. Of course, it is still a beta software. A long way to go to 1.0.
I hope I will be able to contribute a little, at least by bug reports, over time.

Again thanks to the team.

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